Bloody Snow: Yandere Vampire Russia x reader

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"An oncoming blizard is effective in these hours, please stay inside! There will be a possible blackout and some will be snowed in, if you have any emergencies the authourities will come as fast as they can, it is best to be with a second person or pet during this storm, thank you for tu-"

You shut the tv off, you had enough food and good resorces, even (p/n) (pet's name) you were set for this blizzard. You heard your front door open as well as your pet chasing something into the forest "P/N GET BACK HERE! I DONT WANT YOU TO JUST FREEZE TO DEATH!" You ran after P/n, of course after you got a coat and boots on. You were following the footprints that were in the snow, but only to stop when they ended, it looked like they didnt exist beyond that point, you kept walking. After a bit into the blank snow you looked up to see a small mansion "that... Wasnt there before.... I know this forest, i even made a map! This was never here before! There was no one new here!"
You left your map at home
You kept trudging, you looked behind you to see the faded mountains
the blizzard is coming.
You walked faster, going towards the mansion when you got to the door it was slightly open.
Enter, it is safe, close the door.
You entered, shaking your head at the unknowing whisper, you looked around after shutting the door.

There were vases and other items, there was a door under the stairs, you checked, it was locked. You looked up the stairs, then you snapped your head over to a shadow down the hall, nothing is there. You got one of those horror movies vibe, you headed up the stairs, mentally wincing at the squeaking.
3rd door down, take a rest, you are tired.
You checked the other doors, locked, you sighed, going to the 3rd, "locked? Ok Mr whisper voice you are really testing my patience! Be specific!" You continued your grumbling, going down the steps, looking for the 3rd door on the first floor(hey that rhymed) when you checked every door you could you sighed, going to a cushioned bench and curling up on it, you were indeed tired but you didnt care, you took a nap- not noticing the shadow standing over you as you closed your eyes

[Time skip]

When you woke up, you were in a bed, the whisper was quiet, "no instructions?" You looked around getting up and flicking on a light, things were a darker shade of red and blue,there was some white- but barely any. You looked back at the bed, seeing a note on the bedside table
Exit the room and go to the kitchen, He is waiting
You put the note in your pocket, checking the door to see if it was locked, "ok... Thats good...ish..." You went down the steps, going towards the kitchen, it was the only door open with lights on "h-hello? Uhm... Are you the 'He' the whisper says?"

The 'He' turns around, tall, muscular, and very sharp teeth "Welcome, Y/n."


Countryhumans x reader (Oneshots and Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now