Stay In Bed: Germany x sick reader

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Well there is an obvious reason on how you got sick, which was absolutely normal, but there has to be some back story right?

[A random Tuesday]

You were late to work, and didnt think nothing of the weather even if you had a notif from your phone about rain in the afternoon, you got your shoes on and ran to work, blasting your music in your headphones. Yes you were late but that was only because you stayed up to work on a project, which you passed out on your desk until your alarm went off.

When you arrived, you quickly clocked in and went ro your cubicle of sadness that had small pictures of you and Germany, as teens, you had a crush on him in school, yet now he is somewhere in the city- or atleast you hoped, you still missed him after he moved to a new school- to the point where both japan and Italy had to force you to eat- mainly pastas and good healthy foods.

While working you glanced outside and saw dark clouds, you had sighed and gone back to work, waiting for the power to die, because most of the storms in the city were stronger than they were when you visited the rural areas of (non city place you would like to visit). When it started raining, your coworkers started to leave, seeing as it has been 3 hours for them and they could work at home, you stayed behind to continue work but also saving every 5 minutes.

[Le Time Skip]

When you got done with work it was dark outside and still raining, and guess what! You didnt bring a coat or an umbrella. You had gotten up, walking to the exit and going under the overhang, vibing under it but also shivering, "I should have brought a jacket- why did I have to be late- damnit- damn me-" you huffed, walking home in the cold rain, and just in spite of it all- a car went by and got you more soaked in water- just now with leaves.

You arrived home in about an hour or so, going to your room and gathering things to get a shower, before sneezing and knowing you are fucked. You waddled to your bathroom and waited for the water to warm up after you turned it on, getting in and just standing there as the now more than comfortable water washed the cold away, even if it burned just to stand there.

[Time yeet to present time when alarm wakes you up]

You wake up to your whole entire body feeling like there is a boulder on it, you open your eyes to stare at your ceiling, grabbing your phone- wanting to speed dial your boss- when you accidentally speed dial Germany- and he fucking picked up after a single ring. You thinking that it's your boss just go on auto pilot "Hey boss- I wont be able to come to work today- im feeling like shit and would like to take a sick day- if you dont mind- I can work from home and get stuff done..." "Well I'm not your boss but I'll be by your house in 30 minutes" "Ger?!" "Yes? If you think that you called your boss when you are sick you should wait for your brain to comprehend what you look at"

You stared at the still going call, wondering if he would ever hang up "You going to hang up? Or are you going to break a law or two by staying on the phone?" "I have a phone holder so that i can listen to music or have calls with other countries, it has been a while, how have you been?" You stared at the phone screen, blinking a bit- blurry sight- and you became more tired- which forced a yawn, you heard a soft laugh from the other side, causeing you to pout "shush you workaholic- I'm fine- I am even getting up!" You struggled to get up but did it! Wobbling to your kitchen, leaning on the counter, and commiting struggle to stay up "Y/n, Go back to bed, im almost there so please dont get yourself injured" you huffed, which meant a stubborn no- and he caught that.

After about 20 minutes germany waltzed into your house, seeing you looking pale as shit and struggling to stay awake. "Lets get you to bed..." he walked over to you and tried to get you to move, only to have you fall over into him (cheezy ik). He sighed carrying you over to your bedroom, which was normally closed off to guests, and the reason why was because you had kept every photo of you and ger from highschool and any shared moments.

Germany placed you on the bed and had a closer look around your room at the pictures, picking up a note that was in your writing (that is very nice) from highschool, dated just for the day he left, it was very detailed love note, and as he read it he had gotten a bit heart broken- he left before you could even say goodbye or give him the note- Jap and italy even contacted him about you- yet he never understood why, now he did "....I made you suffer without knowing it- god I'm stupid-"

You woke up to feeling comfortable and smelling soup, you groaned, trying to get up, only to be pushed back down by a german "Stay in bed, you arent getting up until i know you are ok" he had a very cold hand, to which you grabbed and placed on your forehead, Germany sighed, replacing his hand with a towel. He fed you the soup, being a loving boy, he had also called your boss and some other countries that were in your contacts, saying that if they had plans they would have to be postponed due to you being sick, and let me tell you- there were a lot of get well soon cards and treats in the hours to come.

[Time skip]

You were woken up by Mochi, Japan's cat, purring on your chest and staring at you, wanting some pets but also protecting you from pesky flies "H-heya Mochiiiii- who's a good fluffy kitty?" You pet Mochi, you had felt a lot better, the signature soup that germany makes is a badass at curing sicknesses. "Gerrrrr- is japan here? Wait.... How many countries are here?" Lets just say it was a small amount of countries, (20) in your house. You have a large house so- be lucky.

You picked up mochi and swaddled yourself in your blanket, waddling to where there was talking, spotting germany and plopping down next to him, placing your head on his shoulder, making everyone snicker while he blushed.

you hummed and stared at them, looking tired still "Whaaaat- cant a sick person be comfy or something... Hell what time is it?" "About 5pm Y/n~(Kun/chan)" you sighed, staring at your guests starting to get back up, before getting pulled down by germany once again and sat down on his lap with your head on his shoulder "No, relax damnit- stop worrying about us, worry about yourself"

"Mrrrrrr- but you guys need food-" Germany kissed your forehead, making you shut up, he also did that to check your temperature- but mainly to stop. You huffed and cuddled into him while petting mochi, before smirking tiredly and now paying more attention to the cat then cuddling the German country.

Japan caught what you were doing and snickered, germany made you suffer for 7 years, so you are gonna make him jealous for abou 7 minutes "Who's a good kitty, I loooove you, you are such an adorable kitty, awwwe so cute, fluffy baby boy."

Germany huffed, taking your chin in his hand and having you look him in the eyes, which were now having a fire in them, you gave a cheeky smile "what? Are ya jealous? The Great Germany! Jealous of a very handsome cat?~" "you asked for it-" he pulled the blanket up and gave you a very rough but loving kiss, and even pushing further when giving you a french kiss, yes he knew he would get sick, but he didnt care, you made him jealous, which makes him very needy for attention.

After the kiss you were red and he had the smirk, you hid in the blanket and had an internal panic while leaning your head on his shoulder, the other countries knew what went down but didnt ask, mainly because germany still had the jealous fire.

Germany carefully placed Mochi down on the floor and held you close, kissing your forehead and being the cuddly jelly boi, "I got pictures!!! You might have been shielded from the front but you didnt think about me!" "Japan, wenn Sie diese Bilder nicht löschen, nehme ich Ihre Anime-Sammlung und brenne sie vor Ihnen." (Japan, if you don't delete these pictures, I'll take your anime collection and burn them in front of you.)

(End of Chapter, 1528 words)

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