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"Whaddup, bitches?" 

Jackson jumped as Katrin slammed her tray down on the table, grinning like she didn't have any dangerous weapons in her bag. Ollie sighed, smiling at Danny and sitting next to him since he is the only person at the table he isn't awkward with. 

 The cousins both had their own form of an obnoxious grin on their face's, well aware that Scott and Stiles were staring at them from a few tables over. Lydia immediately sat up straighter, her eyes boring holes into Ollie's very soul. "Oliver." 

 He winced, raising a hand. "Hey, Lydia." 

 He paused, trying for an innocent smile. "You look nice." 

 She huffed, but didn't say anything else, fighting to keep the smile from her face. 

 "What are you doing?" Jackson asked, eyeing the cousins conservatively, his nose wrinkling. "Why aren't you with McCall?" 

 "You act as if you're not happy to see us," Oliver teased, earning a scowl in response. Allison's gaze shifted nervously between Katrin and Ollie. The redhead grinned. "Hi, Allison." 

 She chuckled nervously. "Hey, Katrin." 

 The girl herself tilted her head to catch Ollie's gaze, discreetly nudging her head in Jackson's direction. His head was lowered slightly, although his lips were moving as if he was talking to himself. Ollie glanced over his shoulder, seeing Scott and Stiles furiously whispering to each other. He rolled his eyes. They were obviously trying - and failing - to make it look like they couldn't hear what he was saying. 

 He cleared his throat. "Hey Jackson!" 

 The boy raised his head with a scowl. "What do you want, Sanchez?" 

 Ollie scrambled for something to say. "Um- quaterfinals are tonight, right? Are you-" he swallowed, "excited, for that?" 

 Jackson's eyebrows furrowed. "I guess-" 

 "He's ready," Lydia cut in, patting Jackson's arm and smiling at Ollie. He relaxed, maybe she wasn't still mad at him. "How's Scott doing? You know, since he's the co-captain." 

 Jackson's frown deepened, "I'll be right back," he muttered, standing up. Katrin and Oliver shared a look, but Ollie knew how sketchy it would be for them to immediately follow Jackson, so he leaned back slightly in his seat. "Um-" 

 "The winter formal is coming up!" Katrin jumped in, practically oozing with false-enthusiasm. Lydia actually did smile at that, tapping Allison's arm. "Yes! We have to go dress shopping!" She turned to Katrin. "You should come too!" 

RUNNER ━━━━ stiles stilinski. ¹Where stories live. Discover now