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"The Seer"


The funny thing was that it only hit Ollie that he was injured when he walked into the hospital.

It was really busy, people milling around in all directions to try and get a glimpse of what happened to Lydia Martin. Ollie counted at least a dozen police officers, and a countless number of doctors and reporters crowding around the waiting room. 

 Katrin's lips immediately curled into a scowl. "Seriously? I though hospitals were supposed to be quiet." 

 "You've obviously never watched Greys Anatomy," Ollie huffed, his cheeks beginning to turn red from the strain that came from not showing how much pain he was in. He didn't understand how he somehow managed to always be the person who got injured. Just as his frickin' face healed, he got beat up by a bunch of assholes in the woods! Seriously, does being a seer mean you immediately get the shit beaten out of you every other day? 

 A flash of red hair caught Ollie's attention, and his eyes immediately widened, backing up slightly and grabbing Katrins arm. "Shit!" 

 "What? Who's here?" 

 Ollie ducked down into a chair, one hand splayed across his painful chest, the other steadying himself so he didn't fall off. Katrin knelt down next to him, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Ollie caught his breath. 

 "It's Nicole. She's gonna kill me if she finds out that I got injured again." 

 Katrin rolled her eyes, obviously underwhelmed by the cause of her cousin's distress. "Seriously? You have at least four people trying to kill you, and you're worried about your mother?" 

 "I thought I made that very clear when I ran away!" He winced, wishing that he could go home and go to sleep right about now. On top of all of this, he was still wearing his tux from the dance, and the jacket was seriously not at its finest moments. Ollie shifted forward slightly, shrugging it off with minimal movement as to not aggravate his pain. He tossed the jacket into the big garbage can next to him, breathing very quietly, since every intake of breath felt like his heart was being stabbed at by a thousand little knives. 

  "Alright," Katrin rose to her feet, holding out a hand, which Ollie accepted somewhat reluctantly. "We have to go find Lydia. What's gonna happen to her now? Is she gonna change?" 

 "I have no idea," Ollie admitted, screwing his face up with the pain that came with walking. "Dios mio, have you ever bruised your ribs before? Because I kind of think I'm going into heart failure." 

 "The main symptom of bruised or damaged ribs is chest pain," she explained, carefully maneuvering around the people as Ollie kept a close eye out for Nicole. "I know that because I am insanely smart, and I now think that I can replace you as the best baseball player here." 

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