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"Ice Bitch"


KATRIN DIDN'T KNOW what to think.

 She only knew three things for certain in that exact moment: 

1. everyone seemed to be tripping absolute balls.

2. Ollie was obviously not having a good time (and Katrin had a theory that it was because of the full moon). 

3. Lydia Martin had something against cheesy, yet adorable, birthday presents.

 Fine, she would admit that she was still reeling over what had happened with the girl previously. Katrin was honestly excited to see her - she loved other peoples birthdays. It gave her an excuse to show affection without seeming like a complete idiot... and Katrin liked to show affection more than one would think. 

 So she got Lydia a necklace. It wasn't anything very fancy, it cost less than fifty dollars from a jewellery store in the mall. It was a gold chain, with a little emerald beaker charm. It reminded Katrin of Lydia so much that she had no other choice but to buy it. Come on - a beaker! A beaker for Lydia, who loved science and knew how to make molotiv cocktails! It was perfect, and Katrin knew that no other stupid bitch at this party had a better gift.  

So why was the girl suddenly continuing her preperation for the role she was born to play: annoying ice bitch?

 She supposed that was why she didn't realize something was wrong sooner. 

 She was looking for Ollie. 

 Really, she was looking for anyone. She hated full moons for more reasons than evil werewolves trying to kill her. She felt like it was a big fat stupid warning in the sky. Like she was risking something even being outside. The only issue was that she couldn't figure out what she was risking. She was completely normal ...

 Well, give or take.

 And Ollie was never even affected by the full moon. That being said, Scott was. And Katrin was so wrapped up in her annoyance with Lydia that she completely lost sight of him. 

 She supposed that was the thought that made her realize that something was wrong. She looked up and allowed her senses to fall into focus again, forcing any thoughts of Lydia Martin out of her brain. Besides, she didn't deserve Katrin's thoughts; much less her efforts. It was a good thing that Lydia showed her true colors. That saved Katrin a lot of time. Time that she could be spending doing something actually important. Like learning to play the flute. Or buying more weapons off of Amazon. Or preventing a girl from drowning in the punch bowl.

 That last one was the only one happening at the moment, though. 

  In her defense, her thoughts were muddled. People were shouting from all around; and it wasn't even the normal party yelling. Someone was crying in the corner - a girl in a silver dress - while a boy was laughing to himself and talking to a wall like it was a person. Katrin's eyebrows furrowed, the girl taking a step back so she could turn in a circle. Over by the glass doors, there was a brunette holding her stomach as if she had just been shot. Next to her was a boy standing completely still, his arms outstretched as if he was trying to keep his balance. Katrin turned to glance behind her, her lips parting in a soft gasp as she spotted a girl with her head beneath the liquid in the punch bowl. 

RUNNER ━━━━ stiles stilinski. ¹Where stories live. Discover now