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Okay, let's get one thing straight: Katrin Denny does not care about Lydia Martin. 

 The girl is annoying for one. And she does that thing where she looks like some sort of goddamn runway model all the time. Seriously? Katrin spent some time with her when she was in the hospital, when she didn't have any makeup and her hair was all messy - and she still looked flawless. 

 It pissed Katrin off. 

 Alas, even she could admit that she was slightly concerned about her right now. Usually the thought of someone running around naked would make Katrin laugh, but there was something about Lydia that just made the redhead worry about her. 

 That doesn't mean she doesn't find her insufferable, though. 

"You want a physical description of Lydia Martin? Well here I am, at your service." Katrin held a hand to her forehead, "five foot three, green eyes, fair skinned, and her hair is actually strawberry blonde, since mine is red and there is a difference." 

 Sheriff Stilinski and Melissa McCall shot her a look, as Nicole Denny - who was seriously contemplating the sanity of her family, just slapped a palm to her face. 

 Katrin turned to look at her cousin, but Ollie seemed like he had more on his mind. He was staring straight ahead, his eyebrows pinched together, his handsome face creased with worry as he kept on nervously reaching up to touch his curly hair. Stiles was next to him, glancing nervously at the boy, so Katrin knew that whatever was going on with Ollie was something that he didn't tell to his husband. 

 "What?" Katrin demanded, slightly annoyed that these people weren't out there right now looking for Lydia. "You're lucky I'm here, I've beaten up so many people for mistaking me with Lydia, it's not even funny." 

"Hey, did anyone see Lydia actually leave the room?" Ollie suddenly spoke up, his eyebrows pinching together as they did whenever he was thinking hard about something. It makes it look like he is about to beat you up, but Katrin knows that it is just the boys 'thinking face'... when he's gonna beat you up, he just goes up and punches you. "Is there any way she could still be in there?" 

 "There's nowhere to hide," Stilinski explained, making Ollie's eyebrows shoot up on his face.  

 "Really? Because in my room there were cupboards big enough to fit a body-" 

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