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"Date Night"



The first time Stiles Stilinski realized he had feelings for his best friend was when he saw him fall into the shallow end of a swimming pool. 

It may not be your cliche love story, but Stiles was actually being one hundred percent honest. It was after school some day in the fall, and the boys were trying to take a short cut from the gym to the parking lot. Ollie had slipped on the floor as he tried to race Stiles to the car, and proceeded to fall right into the pool; not before yelling a "fuck you, Stilinski!" at the top of his lungs. 

 And Stiles thought it was... well, endearing. 

 The best thing about Ollie was that he was real. Stiles's entire life was now filled with a bunch of werewolves and hunters and probably more shit he just didn't know about yet. Ollie may have inherited the odd ability of telling the future, but he never once changed who he was as a person. He was still the same fourteen year old kid he was the first time Stiles had ever seen him. The same kid who threw a pencil at him and asked if there was anywhere someone could eat in 'this hellhole.' 

 But now he was older, and not as seething with hatred for Beacon Hills. 

 Stiles watched as Ollie laced up a pair of ice-skates, feeling a smirk tug on his lips as he leaned back slightly in his seat on the bleachers of the otherwise empty rink. "You sure you know how to skate?" He teased, shooting him a look at the eye-roll he recieved. "Do you have a lot of ice-rinks in Puerto-Rico?" 

 "No, but it's combining two of my favorite things," Ollie turned his head to flash Stiles an over-exaggerated wink, his curls falling in front of his eyes, "walking and knives." 

 Stiles snorted, rising to his feet and oustretching his hand. Ollie grasped in, wobbling slightly on his feet as he watched Scott fall on his face after his first attempt at skating. He laughed, before proceeding to almost fall over himself. Stiles's wrapped an arm around his waist to steady him. "Slow your roll, speedy." He drawled, "I'm placing my bets, I think that McCall is better than you at this." 

 "You haven't even seen me skate, dumbass." Ollie flicked Stiles's nose, the boy recoiling as the Hispanic boy leaned his weight onto the side of the rink. Stiles stepped onto the ice, feeling pretty good about himself as he realized that he might actually be better than his boyfriend at something. Ollie was the kind of person who people stared at without even realizing it. Maybe it was because he was so naturally charismatic... Stiles furrowed his eyebrows as he watched Ollie stretch his arms, his black jacket rising slightly to expose a strip of his tanned skin. 

 Stiles blushed, maybe it was just because he was incredibly hot. 

 "Don't fall!" Scott called from across the rink, recieving a middle finger in response as Ollie rose his voice to shout back. 

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