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"Hey Kat, what's up?" 

The redhead jumped as Ollie leaned against the row of lockers, a strained smile on his face as his heart beat a million times a minute. He felt like a felon - a stupid one at that, who walked into a crowded high school after parttaking in a literal kidnapping scheme. 

 Katrin could obviously since the nerves prominent on the boy's face, as she narrowed her eyes and shut her locker with a loud slam, "what did you do?" 

 Ollie laughed nervously, glancing around to make sure that no one was listening in on their conversation. "What? I didn't do anything, what a silly thing to assume. Uh-" He lowered his voice, leaning forward so that they were almost touching. When he spoke, his words were slurred together, and his cheeks flushed red. "Secuestramos a Jackson y ahora está escondido en una camioneta en el bosque por favor ayúdanos."

Katrin rolled her eyes, "dude, my Spanish is not that good. Just tell me what happened and I can give you the probability that you'll be arrested because of it..." her voice trailed off, her nose scrunching up as she mulled over his previous words. "All I got from that was 'Jackson', 'van', and..." her eyes flew up, as did her fist as she reached over to punch his shoulder. "You kidnapped Jackson?" 

 "Shh!" He clamped a hand over her mouth, looking around and realizing in that exact moment that he was not cut out to be a felon. He removed his hand and resumed tapping it against his thigh, "there may or may not have been some minor kidnapping that took place, but we had to think of a way to keep him from literally murdering anymore people!" 

Katrin groaned, balling her hands into fists and rubbing her eyes. "Oliver Lorenzo Sanchez, I swear to god that you three have not a single functioning braincell when I'm not around. And to make it better-" she looked up at him, and he noticed that black mascara was now slightly smudged along her eyelids, "guess who's substituting?" 

 "Please tell me it isn't someone who has tried to kill me before." 

 "I mean, she did take part in involuntarily breaking your ribs, but I'm at least ninety percent sure that those two guys were on cocaine," she bit her lip and exhaled harshly. "It's Allison's mom. Mrs. Argent." 


 "Oh shit!" Ollie jumped, smacking a hand over his chest as Allison suddenly popped up in their vicinity. She shot him an apologetic smile, fiddling with the zipper of her jacket. 

 "Sorry, but we have a really big problem." She gestured for the two to follow her, and Ollie eagerly obliged as Katrin struggled to get her arm through the sleeve of her jacket. Allison began talking as they walked, keeping her gaze ahead. "First of all, they know about Jackson. Second of all, there are cameras watching me at every single angle to make sure that I have nothing to do with Scott." 

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