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"Romeo and Juliet"


SPRING BREAK ONLY really had significance when you cared about school and had a decent sleep schedule.

Neither of those things applied to Ollie. 

 He was still grounded, which was only now annoying him because it was Lydia's seventeenth birthday. Now, he usually wouldn't give two shits about attending birthday parties (god knows he hates every type of party) but ever since Lydia was attacked by Peter and kind of... went off the rails a bit, Ollie felt bad. Plus, they were friends, and she texted him to ask if he was coming. 

 But he didn't want to sneak out. Nicole was home, for one, and he already felt guilty enough about attending the rave. As if that wasn't enough reason, his mind was still reeling from his inability to cross the Mountain Ash barrier. That meant he was supernatural in some form, right? Which meant that whatever his mother was was linked to Beacon Hills... which meant that he was linked to Beacon Hills.

  Which he didn't really appreciate.

He sat on his bed, his finger absentmindedly tracing the faint scar on his cheek. He wondered if Lydia's party had already started, and he wondered if she was disappointed that he wasn't there. The thought made his chest seize with guilt, and he was so preoccupied with the thought that he didn't even hear the rapping on his window. It was only when he heard a very faint call of his name that he rolled his eyes and rose to his feet. 

 He threw his curtain to the side, an amused look glinting in his eyes as he saw Stiles's familiar face grinning at him. He was balancing precariously on the edge of the roof - the one that he had presumably climbed onto courtesy of the tall oak tree to the left. 

 Ollie lifted the window open, not wasting any time in saying, "you're an idiot." 

 Stiles fumbled for a moment, clumsily crawling into Ollie's bedroom and steadying himself on the boy's dresser. "You didn't even let me recite my speech," he said, brushing off his arms and picking a twig from the pocket of his sweater. "I randomly thought of that scene in Romeo and Juliet when I was climbing that freaking tree." He dramatically cleared his throat, "it was the best of times, it was the-" 

 Ollie cut him off with a shove, "wrong play, dumbass. Also keep quiet, still grounded, remember?"

 "Duh," Stiles outstretched his arms. "Why do you think I'm here? I'm breaking you out to go to Lydia's party." 

 Ollie chuckled, crossing his arms at his boyfriend's rambunctious mannerisms. "Not gonna work this time, Stilinski. Nic is actually home, and if she catches me sneaking out, I might as well pre-sign my death warrant." 

"But that's no fun. Sneaking out to go to a party? Now that's fun."

Ollie rolled his eyes at Stiles's grin, sitting down on his bed and running a hand through his hair. Stiles came to sit next to him, so Ollie propped his leg up on the bed and sent the boy a lopsided smile. "You're a terrible influence. I was such a sweet, innocent child before I met you." 

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