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Oliver was running. 

 He was completely aware of his surroundings, of  the trees and the dirt and the uneven ground, but he knew it wasn't real. He knew that he was asleep, but it felt too real to be a dream. 

 He had no idea where he was going, but he knew that he had a destination as he ran through the dark, his feet pounding against the ground and sending sharp pain up his ankles with every time his foot hit the dirt at the wrong angle. Nevertheless, he continued to run. 

 Every time the trees made even the slightest movement, the smallest little whistle in the wind, or even the rustling of the leaves sent him on edge. He heard someone walking behind him in the form of the shadows that leaned over him, extending their opaque features across his face like fingers caressing a pillow. 

 He continued to run. 

 He didn't stop until the booming sound of a gunshot made him freeze. He found himself standing right at the tree-line, staring at a woman with a rifle held firmly in her hands. Her hair flew wildly around her face as she whipped her head from side to side, a crazed look in her eyes. "Come on!" She screamed, her voice shrill, "Come on!" 

 Oliver didn't know what she was talking about, but he was still pretty sure that he was trapped into a dream- a mere figment of his imagination, so he continued to observe through wide eyes. He heard a growl, an inhuman, animistic growl, and jumped, taking two steps into the road and hoping that his dream didn't end with him being hit by a car. He heard another deafening gunshot and instinctively held his arm up, although he knew that the bullet was no way directed to him.

 He stood there, stiff as a board, for another few moments, before the woman turned around, and her gaze fell upon his. She narrowed her eyes, before lifting the gun up and pointing it directly at his chest, pulling the trigger with a loud boom. 

 Ollie's eyes flew open with terrified yell, the covers that were previously covering his body being shoved to the ground, and the pillow being grabbed and clutched tightly in his harsh grip. He sat there, taking a moment to process that he was not in the middle of a road, and was- in fact- in... Scott's bed? 

 "What the fuck?" He wondered aloud, anxiously gripping his sweaty curls and looking around him. It took another few seconds for the events of the previous day to come back to him, and he remembered that he fell asleep in Scott's bed... apparently the boy never moved him. 

RUNNER ━━━━ stiles stilinski. ¹Where stories live. Discover now