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"The Girl"


"After you loose, are you gonna cry like a baby? Should I grab you a tissue box so that you're prepared?" 

 "I don't know, Katrin, but you might want to go start preparing your transfer to another school after I fucking destroy you." 

 Stiles sighed deeply, rolling his eyes and sharing a look with Scott and Allison as Ollie and Katrin stared each other down. Ollie crossed his arms tight across his chest, his arms cold as he had thrown his hoodie at Stiles the second Katrin challenged him to a race in rock-climbing, which was supposed to just be a fun sport for gym class. Leave it to Ollie and Katrin to turn it into a competition. 

 The redhead scoffed, her ponytail swishing around her shoulders as she pulled off her rings one by one. "Please, Ollie, I've seen you fall off of the curb with no one anywhere around you." 

 "Yeah? Well your arms are so skinny that you're gonna have to go to the hospital after climbing three feet off the ground." He retorted, raising a bemused eyebrows as his cousin continued to remove her countless amount of jewellery.  

 "Please, I could crush you in one hand-" she held up her arms, flexing her muscles and sticking her middle finger up at Ollie, who took a step forward and pointed at her.  

 "You wanna have a flexing competition? It's on, bitch!" 

 "No! No!" Finstock ran over, standing in front of them and holding his arms out. He rolled his eyes as his eyes darted between Katrin and Ollie, who were glaring at each other so harshly it appeared that they actually hated each other. "Come on! I know you two have this weird competitive streak, but we don't have time for this! Just get in the harnesses!" 

 "Whatever you say, Coach." Katrin grabbed Finstock's arm, pouring her jewellery into his hand and turning away as he pulled a puzzled face, turning to look over at Scott and Stiles, both of whom just shrugged. 

 "Let's bet on this," Ollie mused as he tightened the straps of the harness around his legs. "If I win, you have to do something you hate, and if I win, I have to do something I hate." 

 "Like what?" The redhead responded snidely, "go for a lap in the pool? Stop styling your hair?" 

 "I don't style my hair!" He exclaimed, ruffling his curls, "It's all natural beauty here, Denny, no need to be jealous." 

 Katrin cocked an eyebrow, glancing at him sideways. "No comeback for the pool thing, I see." 

 "I'm not a good swimmer!" 

"Fine," Katrin paused for a moment as Ollie rested his hand on the first plastic rock. "If I win, you have to give me your cat." 

 "What?" Ollie demanded, his voice so loud that some of the onlooking classmates jumped. "That's ridiculous! I'm not giving you my cat!" 

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