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"Knowledge is Pain"


Ollie knew exactly who the kanima was. 

And he had no idea how to tell his friends. 

 To add on to that: chemistry was his first period, so he knew that he was going to blow something up. In his defense, he was distracted. Learning that Jackson Whittemore was apparently some serial killer lizard man was not exactly surprising, but it did make Ollie's head hurt. 

 He thought about what Derek had said about kanimas. They don't know what they are doing when they turn... and if Derek knew who it was, he would definitely try to kill him. Ollie wasn't Jackson's biggest fan, but he didn't want him to be murdered because of something he had no control over.

 So yes, Ollie was in a difficult position. And he really hated that feeling of being paralyzed.

 Not as much as he hated chemistry, though. 

 "Hey, are you alright?" Stiles asked, looking at him in concern as Ollie thought deeply about what he had saw the previous night. "You look like you're not exactly in this plane of reality." 

Ollie didn't even look up, his eyes glued onto the blank sheet of paper in front of him. "I'm not, I actually died a long time ago." 

"Internally or externally?"


 Stiles laughed, leaning over to kiss Ollie's cheek, elicting a small smile from the boy. He picked up his pencil and began to sketch meaningless shapes on the paper as Stiles spoke. "Scott said that Derek thinks Lydia is the kanima," he began, making Ollie's stomach tighten to the point it was painful. The boy countinued speaking, but Ollie was no longer listening, staring down at the large 'j' he had sketched on his sheet for a moment, before balling it up in his hands. 

 He may literally have a douchebag's life in his hands, but god-damn it he told Stiles everything. And it felt wrong to keep something so important from someone so important to him

He turned around, moving closer to the boy until they were only inches apart, lowering his voice to a whisper. "Stiles, I have to tell you something-" 

 He was interrupted by the loud voice of Mr. Harris, triggering Ollie's fight or flight as his head darted to the side. 

 "Mister Sanchez!" The man drawled, staring at Ollie with a disapproving look on his rat-like face. "Care to share what you two are talking about that is so important?" 

 "I'm trying to prevent a murder." The boy deadpanned, a ripple of laughter spreading across the classroom, belonging to all of the students who didn't know any better. Ollie noticed Erica and Isaac sharing a look as he slid his chair back to it's original placement. 

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