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"I don't understand." 

"Story of your life." 

Oliver sent Katrin a sideways glare as the cousins continued to marvel at the sight in front of them. They were staring at the door of the school bus, three long, jagged gashes prominently standing out in the chipped yellow paint of the bus. Neither of the two knew what to think, although Ollie had a hunch that his thoughts were closer than his cousin's.

 "I heard it was a mountain lion," the redhead continued, brushing a piece of hair from her face and tilting her head to the side. "That must be a big-ass lion." 

 "With a fuck-ton of resentment against buses." 

 "I think we all hate buses. They smell bad and carry STD's." 

 Oliver gave the girl a confused look, before turning back to the bus. His first thought was it was Derek who damaged the bus, but then he remembered that they got him thrown in jail, and thought that if Derek was going to rip something up, it would probably be his face. 

 Or Stiles's face, because Oliver would just hit him with his baseball bat and yell Spanish obscurities at the boy until he got annoyed and went away.  

 "Why are you confused again?" Katrin asked, pursing her lips and glancing at the curly haired boy from the corner of her eye. "It was some sort of animal... what else would it be?" 

 A vengeful werewolf maybe, Ollie thought bitterly, staring at the blood smears that painted the back of the vehicle. "I don't understand where the blood came from."

 "Picture this," Katrin took two steps to the side, Oliver obediently bending over so that she could wrap her arm around his shoulders, holding out her hand like she was reading a billboard. "A mountain lion comes up, eats either a small animal or an even smaller person-" 


 "Don't interrupt me." She closed her fist, turning so that she put her hands on either of his shoulders so she could glare directly into his eyes in a way that really made him want to be somewhere else. "So, eats the thing and or person, decides to assault the bus and get the blood all over the back of it.... let's be real, it did us all a favor, that yellow color made me want to kill myself every single day." 

 "We don't even ride on the bus," Ollie reminded, his knees beginning to ache from squatting for so long. Katrin finally took a step to the side, allowing the boy to rise to his full height. "I am just stating a fact, Ols, you don't need to judge me for it." 

 "Wow, sorry." 

"Hi Kat!" Stiles popped up from nowhere, as he usually did, making the two jump and swear in perfect unison. Stiles smiled innocently, "are you sure you guys aren't related?" 

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