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"I always thought that if a bunch of cops came onto the field in the middle of lacrosse practice, I would be the one getting arrested." 

 "Honestly... same."

Stiles and Ollie stood side by side as they watched Isaac Lahey stand feet away, being interrogating by the police. Scott and Katrin were arguing about something when they approached the two boys, and Ollie had his eyes narrowed at Isaac's back as he spoke to Stiles's father. "Glad to know you have faith in me, Stilinski." 

 "Okay, my question is how many windows they have in the average police station," Katrin drawled as her and Scott walked over to Ollie, the redhead shooting him a look. "Like, is it mandatory to have at least one window in a holding cell?"

 Oliver blinked, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Why the hell would I know that?" 

 "It doesn't matter how much direct access he has," Scott began, his eyebrows furrowed in concern as he tried in vain to hear the words that the officer's were exchanging. "The full moon will be really bad... especially if it's his first one."

"We should just get rid of the fucking moon," Ollie said, tilting his head back to look up at the sky, squinting at the harsh rays of sunlight. "Who's idea was it to correspond werewolves with the moon? Because I want to stab them." 

 "I'm with you on that one," Scott mumbled, earning a cautious look from Katrin. Ollie had been tentative around Scott all day, but it seemed like he didn't have a serious case of The Assholes, so prehaps he was building up a tolerance to the effects full moon. At least, Ollie was seriously hoping that was the case. Full moons give him so much anxiety, that he was contemplating just staying home tonight and doing his very best to sleep. 

 Alas, his idiot friend just had to get bitten by a supernatural being. 

"How good are holding cells at holding people?" Scott asked, pinching the bridge of his nose and slowly shaking his head. Stiles shrugged. 

 "People? Good. Werewolves? Probably not that good."

Scott winced, turning to steal one more glance at Isaac Lahey, before looking back at the group with a grim look on his face. "Remember when I said that I didn't have the urge to maim and kill?" 

 Stiles nodded slowly, sharing a look with Ollie. "Yeah..."

"Well he does." 


Jackson didn't show up at chemistry that day, which was enough to rise Ollie's mood ever-so slightly. 

 He leaned his head onto his arm as he furiously filled in the answers to the hand-out that Harris had given them, his hand beginning to cramp from how fast he was trying to write. The thing about Ollie that annoyed him to no end, was that he was actually a pretty smart kid. The issue is that he is constantly tired from his lack of sleep, and he has the attention span of a hyperactive chipmunk. Add that on to the fact that he was constantly running around trying to avoid being murdered by werewolves, and you get a kid who can rarely manage to turn in his homework on time. 

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