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Yeah, Ollie was not in a very good mood. 

 He was trying to be... in fact, he was trying really hard. In fact, he was ninety percent sure that Lydia had no idea anything was wrong as they drove to the dance, currently in a very heated discussion about chemistry class, and how much they would like to push Mr. Harris off of a bridge. 

 That helped Ollie perk up... a little bit. 

 "Once he gave me detention for accidentally blowing something up," He said, earning a laugh from Lydia as they pulled up into the parking lot of the school. "But I mean, did he really expect me to handle a bunch of chemicles and not blow them up?" 

 "Well, I feel like that might be exactly what he was expecting." The girl drawled in response, unbuckling her seatbelt as the car rolled to a stop. Oliver flashed her a grin, before jumping out of his car and jogging around to the other side, opening Lydia's door with dramatic flare that made her giggle. The air was cool, and wind rustled through Ollie's hair, although overall it was a nice night. 

 Allison and Jackson walked past them, and Lydia's shoulders visibly straightened. She plastered a grin on her face. "Hey, Jackson, you look handsome." 

 "Obviously, it's Hugo Boss." 

 Ollie scowled, gesturing for Lydia to hold up as she bent over and grabbed the nearest rock he could find from the ground. He reared his arm back, throwing it at Jackson and suceeding in hitting the back of his head. 

 The boy shot him a glare, which Oliver responded to with a middle finger. 

 Lydia smacked his arm, but she was still smiling, "that was rude."

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