Chapter One

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(A/N) I don't have much to say but I hope you like this story. This is my second fanfiction :) my first? Well that's unfinished and I've pretty much abandoned it. I might continue it soon if I get some reads on it. I don't know. But for now I've got an action-packed story planned ahead (not really).... Just read

This is DON'T TELL MY DAD!...


"How long will you be gone for?" I asked my dad. My eyes staring into his. People always said I had my father's eyes.

"A few months, the boys are touring but I'll be back before your birthday I promise." he replied.

"Final call for flight 225 out of Ireland" called a voice overhead, echoing around the airport. I noticed other people raise their heads in acknowledgement, like my dad. They must be on his flight.

"That's my call, I've got to get going. Be good to your mum." He said before giving me a tight embrace. This is the last time I would see him in months.

There he goes again.


3 Weeks Later:

I sat in my bedroom, spread like a starfish across my bedspread. I had just finished cleaning my room and I had to say that admired the great job I did.

To some people my room would still be considered untidy but to me it was clean. Because well to me cleaning my room to me means shoving everything to the side, under the bed and in the cupboard so it gave the appearance that my room was actually clean. Good enough.

My mum walked in, "Good enough." she said, repeating the words I said in my mind. She knows that this is the cleanest my room could ever really get. She walked over and sat a the end of my bed. I sat up pleased, a smile creeping to my mouth.

"So does that mean I can go to Cathy's birthday this weekend?" I asked her with hope in my voice.

Cathy is my best friend, she is a blonde beauty. Her sweet sixteen is coming up and I couldn't miss that for the world.

"You're still grounded." she said simply.

The smile that was creeping up to my mouth vanished without a trace.

"But Mum!" I defended myself. Not the best defense but oh well...

"But nothing. You snuck out of the house to see that boyfriend of yours last month! Cleaning your room doesn't change that"


"IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT" she yelled, cutting me off.



"But mum! I broke up with Troy last week so its not like I'll go sneaking out with him again! Besides I've already been grounded for three weeks! Give me a chance! It's Cathy's 16th, it's an important milestone in her life and I said I'd be there!"

"...if your father was here" she mumbled.

"But my father isn't here! He's away in some country, with some stupid boyband. Not much of a father is he?" I told her.

"Fine. Go to your party."

That's the last thing my mum said before slamming my bedroom door behind her. I swear I could hear her crying. I have to admit, I felt really bad for making my own mother cry. She really did miss my dad.

My dad. That's the person we really needed right now.


(A/N) Short and sweet to start it off :) Hope you liked it.

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Thanks for reading.

~LoveBeccaBoo xxx

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