Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N) Hey guys! I'm answering questions on the previous Author's Note so go back to have a look or to ask a question.

Here's the chapter you've all been harassing me about haha

(Sorry I didn't read through and edit)


"She's opening her eyes"

"Melody, can you hear me?"

My eyes were squinted and my body felt stiff as I stared up at two unknown faces looming over me. I felt like I was in a horror film with two mad scientists prepared to cut me open.

My instinct was to move back but a pale feminine hand caught my wrist.

"It's okay Melody, we're not going to hurt you. You can sit up" said a man to my right. Gosh, this just keeps sounding more and more like a horror film.

The man shone a light into my eyes, examining my pupils as I sat up on the bed I was on.

The lady to my left pulled out a clipboard and a pen as I examined my bland surroundings.

"Now Melody my name is Caitlyn, I'm a nurse here. Do you know where you are?"

Personally, I think she should have had the decency to wait a bit before asking me questions. After all I just woke up.

I looked around. Now I wasn't stupid, I could tell where I was simply by the smell of it. And it wasn't as if she hadn't given it away by saying she was a nurse.

"A hospital" I replied.

"Ok" she said, ticking off something on the clipboard. The man, who I assume was a doctor, walked out of the room leaving me alone with Nurse Caitlyn.

I assumed she was only new to the job. She seemed quite young to be a nurse, I assume she just excelled her courses in College. She was only of a small figure and had dark brown, almost back hair tied in a neat bun. From the look of her face I would guess she was in maybe her early 20's maximum.

"Do you know why you're here?" She asked me, piercing blue eyes staring into my eyes.

Why am I here?

Just joking, how could I forget?

I remember it all.

I remember Uncles Alistair's eyes, blood shot and staring into mine.

I remember his body shaking.

His hand clutching his heart.

I saw the pills on the bed, why couldn't I guess?

Then his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

Me rushing to get help.

The crash.

I hadn't noticed I had zoned out until Nurse Caitlyn touched my hand.

"Melody? Are you okay? Are the questions too much?"

I shook my head, focussing my eyes back on her.

"Sorry um I just- just..." I said trailing off, my eyes leaving hers again, "I remember."

"Well that's good, that means you shouldn't have any brain injuries." Nurse Caitlyn reassured me.

"Ok... what happened to my Uncle Alistair?" I asked, only to have her turn her head back to the clipboard, ignoring my question.

"Oh you don't need to worry about that. Just lay down and rest. You've had a few injuries." She pointed out.

"Wait. What exactly happened? Did I crash into the fence?" I asked. As far as I'm concerned, I could remember everything up to the point of the crash. In fact, I'm not even sure how I crashed.

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