Chapter Twenty

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"Do you think Isabelle would ever go out with me?"

The words fell out off his mouth, his face not faltering. Not even for a second. He sat there not knowing that question hurt me. He was like an innocent child asking their parent where babies came from, unaware of what they were getting themselves into.

I didn't feel as gutted as you might think I would feel. In fact it gave me a weird feeling, a feeling I've never felt before. Hate? Anger? Heartbreak? Jealousy? Sadness? No.

It's more a feeling of emptiness, if anything. It's neither a good feeling or a bad feeling. But I suppose it's because I didn't really know how I felt about Louis. I mean, did I actually even fancy him?

The memory of Isabelle's words echoed in my mind, "I know Louis is yours"

But the thing is, Louis is not mine. I don't own him and he has his own life to live. With his own choices. I can't make him mine. Besides, Isabelle's words were only a suggestion. I don't have to fancy Louis. I never said I did.

"Answer the question" Louis urged, "you can be honest with me"

I shook my head, pulling a slight smile at the bed sheets we were sitting on. If only I could be honest with him.

"Isabelle doesn't like me, does she?" He said, slightly saddened.

My expression softened slightly, tilting my head. He twisted the sheets between his fingers awaiting a response. I didn't know what to say. Actually, that's exactly what I said.

"I don't know what to say" my voice a little above a whisper, "I mean, I've only known her as long as you have. I wouldn't know"

"I just thought that maybe..." Louis trailed off, " know, because you're both girls..."

"We have the 'female connection'?" I laughed, shoving his shoulder slightly. He pushed me back in response. Ugh I suppose that's what Isabelle meant by 'unintentionally flirting'.

"No" he chuckled, "just isn't that what you talk about? Boys?"

"You have so many sisters yet you have so much to understand about girls" I said.

"What? You talk about tampons?" He questioned.

"Just shut up Louis" I said, giggling.

After a moments silence, Louis turned his attention towards the ajar door. His eyes watching through the opening at our friends on the couch. They were watching a movie, a horror movie by the looks of it.

"You're watching Isabelle aren't you?" I said.

"Pardon?" He said turning to me, surprised that I realized so easily.

"You really like her, don't you" I said, trying to not let my voice become monotone.

"I don't reeeeaally like her" he confirmed, stretching out the word 'really', "I only met her yesterday so that would just be creepy"

Of course it would be creepy. See Melody, liking Louis is out of the question. I don't know him well enough, so it would be really creepy to have a crush on him. Louis said it himself. My feelings are probably just a spur of the moment thing I suppose. Therefore, I should be happy for Louis and the future Mrs. Isabelle Tomlinson, right?

"What do you like so much about her?" I asked. I didn't ask rudely if that is what you're thinking. I asked it nicely, as if interested in the situation. Actually, I was interested.

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