Chapter Sixteen

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I rolled over for the millionth time, tightening my grip on the pillow over my ears.

It was the middle of the night and considering I had no sleep on the plane, you'd think I'd be out like a light. But instead I was stuck staring up at the ceiling because my sleepy-head of a dad couldn't stop snoring. You know what, I don't know if it even qualifies as snoring if it can start a category 4 earth quake.

I rolled off my bed. I had to get out of this room if I didn't want to become partly deaf by morning. I dragged my tired body to the door, unlocking it and heading into the hallway.

I walked up to the boys' room. Now I probably should know better than to interrupt the boys during their beauty sleep but it isn't technically interrupting, just finding a quieter place to sleep.

I swiped the spare key card into the door, hearing the click. I pushed the door open, finding myself in the fairly large room. It was a combined kitchen, dining room and lounge room. It was a little bit squashed but that's hotel rooms for you.

It was quite similar to Dad and I's room but there were two bedrooms instead of one, one to the right and one to the left of the room I was in. The boys were probably fast asleep in the bedrooms and I know I probably shouldn't bother them after their tiring concert last night.

From where I was standing I could see the couch. That comfy comfy couch was practically calling me to it and I obeyed.

"Sleep on me, Melody" echoed the couch... um what..

I walked over to the couch and just as my head hit down on the cool leather material, my mind started to drift off into sleep land.

But spoke too soon. At that moment I started hearing rattles from the kitchen bench behind me. One of the boys must have woken up.

They probably couldn't see me on the couch so I stayed stationary, still intent on sleeping.

Eventually the rattling stopped and I assumed they had gone back to bed. Yay, I can sleep now.

The couch slouched down near my feet and I felt a warm presence next to me. I instantly knew whoever was in the kitchen had seen me and decided not to go back to bed. My eyes remained shut however as I was just so sleepy.

"Couldn't sleep, Mel?" Said the voice that I could only connect to as Louis'.

"Not a peep.." I replied. I could practically hear the grin on his mouth, obviously amused that I still hadn't opened my eyes.

"Paul's snoring getting to you, huh?" Louis questioned.

"Yep." I stated, "I don't get it. He slept so silently on the plane yet once we hit the hotel room he decided to start snoring like a jack hammer."

He laughed, "Well that's Paul for you. Never know what to expect"

"Why are you up?" I asked, my eyelids finally lifting to see a lively Louis sitting at me feet, "You seemed tired after the concert. I would expect you'd be sound asleep right now."

"Yeah, well I'm having some snoring problems myself. That Harry Styles has a set of lungs on him even when he's sleeping." He stated. I laughed at our situations.

"I was going to get a bite to eat at the hotel restaurant, if you care to join me?" Louis offered.

As sleepy as I was, a nice dish didn't seem like a bad idea. A nice dish with a handsome famous pop star sounded even better.

"Now how could I turn down that offer?" I said.

He smiled, offering me his hand to help me off the couch. I gratefully took it as he led me across the room and out the door.

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