Chapter Five

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(A/N) So there's a heat wave here so I've been sitting by my air con writing a bit. Enjoy.


I woke up the next morning still wearing what I was wearing last night. I pulled myself out of my bed and dragged my tired body into the bathroom. The cold tiles touched my bare feet and it sent shivers up my spine, waking me up a bit. I looked myself up and down in the blurry mirror above the sink.

My face looked like it had literally melted. My mascara was smudged and running down my face. Either my eyes were sweating last night or I was crying. Take a guess.


"Mel open the door" called Cathy to no response from me. The music from the party was still beating downstairs.

I stood at the sink, leaning over it as if I was about to throw up. Tears were streaming down my face and wouldn't stop flowing.

If only my dad new that his reputation was ruining me...

"Mel?" Cathy called worriedly for the billionth time.

I finally gave in, waking towards the door and opening it.

Cathy hugged me straight away as if she was just about to give up all hope.

"sorry for ruining your party, Cathy" I sobbed into her shoulder.

"You didn't ruin my birthday babe. The party is still going on downstairs, please join? Just forget about what just happened ok." she said to me firmly.

I stared at myself in the mirror. My mascara had run all down my face and my dress was crumpled and stained from me using it to wipe my face from tears. I literally looked like the Corpse Bride.

"Sorry Cathy but look at me. I look like I've just stepped out of a grave," I said, "I really do hope you had a great birthday but I'm going home."

I embraced her one last time before rushing out of the house and across the street to my house. It was amazing how fast a nice night could turn into a nightmare.

I fumbled with my keys as I shook from both my sadness and the cold night air. I unlocked the door and next thing I knew I had ran straight into my room, tears threatening to burst again. I ignored my mums questions and slammed my bedroom door behind me. As soon as my head hit the pillow my body lost all consciousness and I drifted into a broken sleep.

*flashback over*

I hopped into a shower letting my body rinse away the memory of last night. Unfortunately that's not how life works so I was still sad as i jumped out of the shower and got dressed. I hardly noticed what I was doing. It was like an automatic thing my body did, like breathing.

I needed something to take my mind off my problems.

The Internet.

Yes, the internet always works.

Straight away I logged onto Facebook, as if it was an automatic thing, like breathing. But it was a bad idea.

As soon as I logged on I saw my notification symbol light up.

47 notifications

Stephanie Deress posted on your wall:

'Y wasn't One Direction at the party last night?? Cathy's your bff so 1D would've been a gr8 present! Dumbass'

Pho Malene posted on your wall:

' u've gotta fuck all of 1D and tell me what it's like mmm'

Troy Magee posted on your wall:

'Gone off shagging that dumb boyband again I hear! Ahah slut'

Daphne Smith posted on your wall:

'We should so have a sleepover one day!! U cud introduce me 2 One Direction so I can marry Niall!!!! And we can be bffls!'

Tiffany Grace posted on your wall:

'I bet Paul Higgins isn't even your dad! Pathetic. '

Tayla Marrine posted on your wall:

'Can u give me Harry Styles' number??? I'll love u 4eva!!'

And more....

This is what I see everyday when I log onto Facebook! I try to tell them that I've never met One Direction but people don't believe me!

Being a celebrity and getting hate from strangers may be bad. But getting hate and stuff from everyone you know is a whole different thing. I don't know why Facebook calls them "Friends".

Truth is I have never met One Direction. My dad knows that when I get involved with boys that it's nothing but trouble. He's also very protective over me. I guess you can't help but be over protective when you're trained in the security business.

It was his decision to have me never meet the boys and truthfully? I don't mind. That boyband is the reason why my father is away from home most the year. I don't really want anything to do with them.

Unfortunately I can't control destiny.


2:45am Monday Morning,

Orlando Airport USA:

Louis' POV

"How are you boys always so awake?" Paul inquired, walking out the plane doors after us energetic teen boys.

"Shouldn't have slept through the plane trip Pauly!" Zayn laughed.

"One does not simply sleep for hours then expect to be wide awake straight away!" Harry said. Sounds like somebody's been watch Lord of the Rings.

"Alrighty then boys," Paul spoke up, "It's not even 3am yet so hopefully there aren't many fans. Just keep your noses down."

We headed round the corridor and towards the luggage carousel. We were suddenly dawned with loud screaming signaling, of course, literally hundreds of fangirls!






My ears eventually adapted to the screaming mob of girls and we grabbed our luggage. We then walked after Paul who was heading towards our One Direction van, girls still trying to touch us, screaming out our names and begging for photos.

At some point I almost slipped over something only to discover that it was Paul's phone on the ground. He must have dropped it.

How lucky that I found it. If a fan had found it then they would have a hold of a whole lot celebrity's numbers and details.

I slipped it into my trench coat pocket before continuing to follow Paul and the rest of the boys out of the airport, bidding the fans farewell.

Yay now we can head to the hotel where I can get some well deserved rest.


(A/N) So a fairly long one for you readers. Thanks for reading! Who can guess what's going to happen next?

Once I get 3 votes I'll update as soon as I can. Just 3 votes. We can get that right?

Remember to vote/comment/fan/share, it's as a click!

~LoveBeccaBoo x

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