Chapter Twenty-Two

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(A/N) Yes, I'm alive



You may to go back and re-read a bit if you've forgotten anything :)




"Move your arm Liam, your elbow is on my stomach" Louis complained, trying to push away a sleeping Liam's arm.

Not going to lie. This wasn't fun. Having the half of the One Direction tour crew cramped into two minibuses for a four hour road trip was anything but fun.

You'd think that being the big money boyband that One Direction was, that we could afford better travel accommodation. Honestly, yes we could. But of course, clever tour manager Mr Higgins felt minibuses would draw less attention. Thanks a lot dad.

"It's so bloody hot in here, can we turn the air conditioner on please" I moaned, tugging at the layers of snow clothes I so stupidly decided to wear.

"NO" I heard a chorus of voices behind me call out.

"Please" I begged.

"Sorry bub, majority rules. I told you not to put on your snow clothes on until we actually reached the snow" Dad replied, turning the wheel as a traffic light went green.

Before we headed off I honestly felt like the smartest person in the world for wearing my snow clothes so I would be prepared for the chill when we got to the ski resort. Now however, I felt like the dumbest person in the world. Did it not click in my mind that I would be in a stuffy van in the sun for a few hours?

I dropped my pleading face and practically tore off my jumper, hitting my hand on the roof of the vehicle as I did so. I didn't want my frustration to get the better of me so I placed my jumper against the window and rested my head on it. Sleep had better hit me soon or I'll have no choice but to kill someone in frustration.


"I would like to welcome you to to your new house for the next week" Dad greeted, opening his arms up towards the cabin in a presenting gesture.

We all trudged past him exhaustedly, ignoring his gesture. In an unplanned single file we practically zombie-walked our way up the small ploughed-out path up to a small cabin. Placed above the door, against the chocolate wood of the cabin was a blue plaque that read "Trent Lodge" in fancy italics.

The cabin was one of the many identical wooden cabins placed in a long row in the horizon shadowing a mountain. It was a cute sight, I had to admit. The way the white of the snow contrasted against the dark brown of the cabins wa beautiful. Each of the aspects complimented each other. It was like looking at a piece of art.

The cool breeze did little to affect me as I trailed my suitcases behind me and walked into the cabin behind my dad, who unlocked it with the key he had gotten from the front reception building of the ski resort.

The cabin reminded me of something from magical fairy tale. From the outside it was a cute little wooden cottage but from the inside it seemed so much bigger and it was definitely well insulated and warm. I stripped off my thermal jumper and threw it onto a green couch to my left. Turning and smiling, I faced everyone in the room. They were just as tired as me, but at the same time I was really excited to get out on the snow.

"When can we start skiing?" I asked to anyone willing to answer.

"It's 6pm, I don't really think we'll be getting any snow action done today" Harry answered, peeking his head into a few rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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