Chapter Two

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"Welcome to TopShop, can I help you?" I said repeating the line I've been using to get through the afternoon.

"No thank you, I'm fine."

I remember being so excited to start my job at TopShop those many months ago. How naive I was. Long hours. Minimum pay. I don't why I was so eager to work here. Sure, it's my favourite clothes store but working here is all folding, "how may I help you"'s and scanning clothes. Over and over again (A/N Over Again haha).

I looked down at my watch:

4:47pm, yay thirteen minutes until closing time!

"Melody you're working overtime this Saturday ok?" I heard my manager Amanda tell me, her voice echoing through the almost empty store.

"Sorry Amanda I can't. I've got a Sweet Sixteenth to go to." I replied.

"You know that's not an excuse. You shouldn't skip work for parties. Life isn't always fair like that!" Amanda argued.

It seems like everyone is against me these days.

"I know. I know. But it's important" I begged.

"So is your job... Fine. Just this once. I'll get Cece to fill in." She said, giving in.

"Wow thanks"

"What are you waiting for? Start closing up."

I guess all bosses are alike. Bossy. I suppose that's how they got their title.



That's all I could think of as I walked through the mall, back home from work.

Why? Why must my life be so bland? It's the same routine over and over again everyday...

Wake up, eat, walk to school, learn, walk home, eat, walk to work, work, walk home, eat, sleep, repeat.

It's times like this that I really think about my life. My dad always tells me to "live for the moment". Live for the present. How the hell am I meant to enjoy my life when it is one cycle of boredom? While my dad travels the world with a number one boyband, I'm stuck living this life. The boring life of Melody Higgins.

...but you know what they say. Expect the unexpected.


(A/N) Yep I know that was a really really short crappy chapter but it's just a filler chapter because I wanted to give my very few readers an update seeing as we are in the last few hours of 2012! It's just bringing her job and a new character into the story.

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Bring on 2013!

~LoveBeccaBoo xxx

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