Chapter Eleven

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(A/N) sorry for leaving you at a cliff hanger and leaving you wanting more so here it is haha

And Happy Birthday Harry!

1st Feb 2013


For once I wished I had no reception. For once I wished I did not have my phone right now. For once I wished my father wasn't so overprotective.

"Melody Louise Higgins you answer me right now! How did you get this number?" my father firmly spoke through the phone.

"Dad you put this number on my phone in case of emergencies remember?!" I lied, "I just called to see who's number it was"

"Don't lie to me! I think I would remember if I put the Harry Styles' number on my daughter's phone!" his voice remaining strong and tense.

I seriously had no back up story.

What was I supposed to say? The truth? 'Hey Dad, I called you up one day because you were a slack father who never rang. So when I called you Louis Tomlinson picked up and I talked to One Direction for hours. We are now good friends.'

I sat in silence. I could hear my father's deep breathing on the other line.

"Somehow even though I'm not even in the same country as you, you managed to lose my trust." he firmly continued, "I'm calling up the phone company and disconnecting you're phone so you can't make anymore calls or texts."

I was shocked. Is that even possible? Can he actually disconnect my phone?

"B-but Dad that's hardly fair" I stuttered.

"It's not up for discussion." he said.

"Dad why do you always do this?! Why are you overprotective?! I've just been chatting with them, it's not like I've been sleeping with them!" I said raising my voice and not letting him interrupt.

He paused before saying, "Because I love you."

*beep* he had hung up.

I sat there almost in tears. My dad hates me, I can probably never talk to the boys again and I'm stuck for three months with no phone.

Life seriously sucks right now


Harry's POV

"Gotta be yooooouuuuuuuuuuu!" I sang, hitting the high note.

We were rehearsing here in the new arena in Tamba. Our first show here is tonight and we had been practicing for hours. I'm pretty sure I might have no voice by tonight. All the other boys were pretty tired as well.

We finished rehearsing the last of the songs and jumped off the stage, sweaty and exhausted. The other lads headed off to our dressing rooms down the corridor while I went searching for my phone. I'm pretty sure I left it right on that seat where Paul was but it was gone. Maybe Paul has it.

I headed off down the hallway of the arena when I heard a deep voice. It was Paul. I listened from around the corner of the hallway as he talked.

"Don't lie to me! I think I would remember if I put the Harry Styles' number on my daughter's phone!" He bellowed into the phone.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

He knows.

I ran through the corridors trying to find our dressing room. I wasn't exactly sure where it was but it couldn't be too hard to find. I passed tens of people who looked at me wandering why I, Harry Styles was running through the corridors like a mental patient.

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