Chapter Nine

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(A/N) Heyy Wattpadderinos! Ok so I logged on Wattpad and there were like 17k reads on my story! Bloody hell! And there were like 140 votes on the last chapter! I then checked and it was like 35 on the What's Hot list! What is this?! It's craziness!

I really only expected this to be a crappy story that I wrote and that it would only get a couple hundred reads and I would look at it in a couple years time and laugh. I never expected this story to do well! This blows my mind! So I've decided that I'll post longer chapters (as suggested) and hopefully better written chapters. I don't promise it though haha :) so here's chapter nine!


Melody's POV:



"maybe three months I don't know"

"For how long though?"


"But- oh... So you can't?"


That had to be the twentieth call. Mum had been on the phone for about three hours trying to find somewhere I could stay.

Aunt Sandy? No

Cathy? No

Uncle Sam? No

Cousin Irene? No

The neighbour? No

Mars Alien? Not even

Did I mention it's 1am in the morning and I'm trying to get to sleep?

Nobody is going to let me stay at their house for three months.

I'm just baggage after all.


*One Week Later:*

Underwear? Check.

Boots? Check.

Sneakers? Check.

Jumper? Check.

Pajamas? Check.

Socks? Check.

The list went on and on.

Do you have any idea how much a girl needs to pack when she's going to be away for three months? Over four suitcases and a carry bag, that's what.

I don't know how this is going to fit in the car.

It's going to be a long trip so hopefully i won't be squashed the whole time by my suitcases. I really hope he brought the truck otherwise I'll expect to have cramps and a blot clot in the leg by the end of it. Ouch.

"He's waiting outside," mum said, signaling me to hurry up.

I probably should have packed earlier. I didn't expect it to take so long.

I sat down on the last suitcase that I was filling, well more like overfilling, attempting to squash it down so I could zip it up.

I literally shoved it full of my favorite DVDs and videos. I need something to keep me alive when I get bored. I just really hope that I'll have a DVD player available otherwise I'm stuffed.

One at a time I dragged my suitcases down the stairs.

Arghghhghhh so many suitcases! I think I've packed my whole bedroom.

I opened the front door and a muddy pickup truck was waiting at my driveway.

My mum was in deep in conversation with him.

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