Chapter Four

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Cathy's house had filled up once the first guests started arriving. We had streamers up and music echoing around the huge house.

There were about fifty people at the party, half of which must have been plus ones. However we had enough space in the house and food to cater for the twenty or so extra people. We had planned ahead for these expected extras.

Cathy had her iPod plugged into the dock I had given her for her birthday. The music blasted out of it, her large house acting as a amplifier as the music echoed of the walls. I hoped the neighbors wouldn't complain about the loud music.

People were dancing in the living room to the upbeat music, some were chatting amongst each other on the stairs and along the walls, some spent there time simply eating from all the snack bowls.

The red cups seeming most popular with all the guests holding them in their palms. Cathy and I watched from the kitchen as some people started acting drunk, they mustn't have realised that the drink was non-alcoholic. Awkward for them. I guess red cups can fool anyone.

Nothing could go wrong. Cathy had spent months planning this party. She checked any flaws on the plan out twenty times over and did what she could to avoid any sort of incident. But you can never really predict what could happen at a house party. You think you have everything under control until it all slips from your grasp and the party turns upside down.

I caught Cathy's glare as stared out at the party. She wants this party to be spot on. No troubles. She wants to show responsibility. However she spent more time watching how the party rolls out rather then actually being a part of it. It's her sweet sixteenth she should enjoy it.

I felt her eye bore into the back of my head as I walked over to her dining room table and climbing onto it.

I thanked myself for not wearing heels otherwise I would of hit my head on the ceiling.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE!" I yelled, trying to get everyone's attention. The party turned silent and everyone looked at me, I really hope no one can see up my dress, "I HAVE A SPEECH!"

I saw Cathy literally face palm herself at my childness. I was always one who wasn't afraid to stand in front of a crowd.

I began, "Happy birthday Cathy! You're my best friend, I've known you since like forever-"

"WHERE'S ONE DIRECTION?!" A random voice shouted out, cutting me off. I turned my head towards the stranger, startled by their question.

"What?" I said. I was startled. What did One Direction have to do with this? Here I was trying to wish my friend a happy birthday and people are asking me where One Direction was...

"YEAH, YOUR DAD'S THEIR MANAGER! THEY SHOULD BE HERE!" called out another voice. Why are people being so rude and confronting. I'm sure these people weren't even invited, just extras.

"Look. I don't even know One Direction!" I retaliated, trying not to look intimidated by the stangers' personal questions.

"SO YOU'VE BEEN LYING ABOUT WHO YOUR FATHER IS? YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" shouted another voice from the other side of the room. Wow that was a bit uncalled for.

"Paul Higgins is my father! Just shut up! This isn't about One Direction, it's about Cathy and her birthday!" I clarified, turning my head at the crowd.

"WE WANT ONE DIRECTION!" people started chanting.






Gosh, do people not listen?

I jumped down off the table and people eyes followed me. They started chanting louder and directly in my ears as I passed each of them.

I had to get away.


(A/N) Hey Wattpadderinos ! Don't worry One Direction will be coming into the story in the next 1 or few chapters! Sorry I just didn't want it to be one of those stories where she meets 1D straight away and fall in love in the first two chapters.

And don't tell me this chapter is short, I've already noticed ... Sorry.

I've selected a few character entries to add to the story later on.


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And tell me if you're actually reading please.

~LoveBeccaBoo x

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