Chapter Three

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(A/N) I thought you Wattpaderinos needed an update seeing as I haven't updated since last year! Hahaha get it... because its now 2013! Yeah well that joke was funnier in my head...

Anyways YAY 30 reads!!! Some people get millions of readsu but right now I'm pretty proud with my thirty reads because I really didn't expect many reads at all. So thanks for reading this story, keep it up!

Ok you can read the story now :)


Saturday morning:


Arrgghhhhghh! Stupid alarm clock. Why didn't I turn it off for the weekend. Oh that's right! I've got to be up and at it early for Cathy's party.

I turned off the alarm and headed to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror . Ewww, what is tha-oh wait that's me.

I brushed my long wavy brunette locks. And rinsed my pale freckled face, remaining in my pajamas. Good enough. Haha I guess that's my new motto, Good enough.

I picked up my make-up bag and threw my clothes in a loose Suprè bag.

"I'm off to Cathy's!" I yelled up the stairs before heading out the door, locking it behind me. I was not going to give my mum any chance to stop me from going to Cathy's party.

I opened the door, the cool breeze hitting my face. I peered up at the sky, it was a nice shade if blue with minimal clouds in the sky. It's a nice day for a party.

I ran across the road to Cathy's house. Yep that was a long run.

Cathy and I have been friends since pre-school. Because we were neighbors we saw each other all the time. It was as if fate was telling us that we should be best friends. From telling each other which boy had cooties to which boy broke our hearts, Cathy and I grew up together. We're practically joint at the hip.

I walked up the pathway to Cathy's house, pebbles crackling under my feet.

I walked up to the door, wiping my feet free of morning dew.

*knock knock*


*knock knock*


*knock knock*


The door creaked opened and I saw the familiar face of my best friend. She stood at her door with her morning hair tied in a messy bun on the top of her head. She was still in her cupcake pajamas but she was seemingly wide awake.

"HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled before embracing her. I'm surprised if I didn't wake up the neighbors.

"Thanks. Now come in and help me decorate." she giggled, ushering me inside.

She had a huge house. It had red painted walls giving it a luxurious touch. She had a pool and spa out the back, two stories of spacious rooms and my favourite, a 60" flat screen television. I probably spent most my time here than at my real home.

For Cathy's birthday she was having a nice dinner with her family but for the party with her friends, her parents were letting her go all out and have a house party.

It was early in the morning and the party wasn't until 6pm. It sounds like we have a lot of time but to decorate the house, set out food and get dressed (we are girls remember) that's a tight schedule.


"Ouch! Careful with that!" squealed Cathy as I attempted to curl her strawberry blonde hair. It was hard to do considering how thin her hair was and the fact that her hair just wanted to stay straight. I may have burnt her with the curling iron once or twice... Oops.

"Sorry your hair is just so hard to curl. It just wants to stay straight."

I replied, trying to twist her hair into some sort of curly state. I was on the verge if giving up. Cathy is seriously so beautiful that she could probably pull off having only half her hair curled.

"Mel you're so lucky to have curly hair. I wish I had wavy hair like you." she said eyeing my wavy locks.

"No you don't. My hair is crazy, it practically has a life of its own. At least your hair stays neat and straight..." I replied.

I looked down at my watch: 5:37pm, holy cow! We were so caught up in talking and getting ready that we only have about twenty minutes left before guest start arriving! Let's hope the people decide to be 'fashionably late'.

I handed Cathy the curling iron so she could quickly finish off her own hair. Knowing how uncoordinated she is she'll probably end up bald by the end of it.

I looked at myself in the full length mirror of Cathy's pink and purple bedroom, haha she's so girly!

I looked at myself up and down. I was already wearing my dress, a peach colored mid-thigh length dress. It was strapless and had white embroidered dip-waist material at the top. My dad sent me the dress over from Australia as a surprise present. I love it! I had black ballet flats on as well because well I don't like heels. My make-up was simple and natural.

My outfit was perfect! ...except my hair. Why? Stupid hair of mine never wants to behave. It looked like I had a giant brown Pom Pom on my head. What can I do with it? Hmmmm... A bun!

Good enough.

Once my look was done I turned to Cathy. While I looked I guess... cute, she looked smoking hot.

Her strawberry blonde hair was neatly curled to the side and her freckled face (yep we are known as the freckly twins haha) was nicely done with dark eyeliner, highlighting her grey eyes and bright red lipstick.

She had on a tight black dress reaching mid-thigh and had on bright red pumps to match her lipstick.

Somebody's getting all the boys tonight.

"So how do I look?" Cathy asked me.

"Meh... ok I guess." I scoffed, laughing.

She hit me playfully.

I looked at my watch, 6:01pm. We're ready. And with no time to spare.


The door bell rung signaling the first of the guests have arrived.

We walked out of her room. She walked ahead of me, heels clicking along the wooden floor. She wandered down the stairs, holding the railing so she wouldn't trip over her tall heels. I stood at the top of the stairs watching as she opened the front door.

"This is your party. It's your time to shine!" I said to her over-dramatically.

"Bring it on!"



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Ok bye now...

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~LoveBeccaBoo x

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