Chapter Ninteen

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I held up my arms up over my head, tightening my fingers over an imaginary vine. I jumped as far across the room as possible in an attempt of demonstrating a swinging motion.

The others sat up on the couch squinting their eyes, confused. I proceeded to lift up my hands in fists and bang them onto my chest. As soon as I did this the others stood up from the couch throwing words at me.

"Ape!" Louis yelled.

"Gorilla" Niall suggested.

"Oh oh caveman!" Isabelle said.

I shook my head, laughing as they continued to shuffle ideas through their minds to guess what I was miming.

"Neanderthal?" Zayn yelled.



They all yelled over each other as I continued to shake my head at all the wrong answers. I kept up the miming, trying to listen to all the wrong answers they were throwing at me. C'mon it wasn't that hard.




"Teepee" someone even suggested.

"It's Tarzan" I heard a low voice say. We all turned our heads towards the door of the hotel room. My dad stood in the doorway, proud of himself knowing he had gotten the answer right.

"Tarzan? Really?" Harry said to me quietly, "You should've at least shown some muscles"

"You're just saying that because you couldn't get the answer right!" Isabelle mocked, nudging him ever so slightly.

"Now I'm never one to intervene with a good game of charades but we've gotten a few complaints about how loud you are" Dad said, "You've got to remember you're not the only ones in the hotel"

"Sorry Paul" Niall said, innocently. Zayn laughed, placing his hand over Niall's shoulder and squeezing his cheek. Niall brushed his hand away.

"Naww little Niall" Zayn said in a girly tone.

"Oi" Dad said, drawing attention back to him, "Just keep it down okay? Do something quiet"

"Sure thing" Liam said, with a thumbs up.

"Well I'm off to sleep," Dad said to us, "I would say you should get some sleep now too but I know that isn't going to happen"

With a laugh Dad stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him. Once we heard the door of the next room close, Isabelle spoke up.

"Now what?" she asked.

"Spin the bottle?" Harry offered.

"No way!" Zayn replied, "Too many guys. Too big a risk"

"Truth of dare?" Harry suggested.


"Strip truth or dare!" He added.

"No way in hell!" I squealed.

"How about we just watch a movie?" Liam offered, "I've got a few movies on my laptop"

A couple nods was the reply and

seemingly out of nowhere, Liam pulled out his MacBook. He turned it on and the log on icon flashed on the screen. He shifted his body so nobody could see as he typed in his password.

"No need to hide it," Harry chirped, "we already know your password is your birthda-"

"Sh sh shhhhh" Liam hushed Harry making the rest of us let out a slight giggle.

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