Chapter Seven

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(A/N) this is a crappy chappy but shhhhhh. Just read it anyways haha


Melody's POV:

2 unit mathematics, extension English, biology, physiology, literature.......

That was the last lot of exams finally over!

Cathy and I wandered down the streets of our neighborhood as we walked home from school. My back ached, hunched over as I heaved my backpack full of textbooks. Cathy on the other hand walked with ease. She didn't have textbooks. She wasn't the textbook type of person. In fact she wasn't the school type of person. If it wasn't for me she would've dropped out of school by now and be managing McDonalds. I'm sure she could have a brighter future than that.

"I think I totally failed that literature test," Cathy said, slight disappointment in her voice, "I mean, what the heck is a spargle and what does that have to do with Shakespeare?!"

I giggled at her, not that I knew the answer to the question myself, "well I don't think I went so bad. I studied hard and I guess it paid off."

"Studying is just an abbreviation of students dying!" she said shaking her head, "And I am too young to die!!"

This is why she was my best friend. She was my freckly, overdramatic, funny idiot of a friend. No, she is my sister. I don't know how I could live without her.

"What are you doing these holidays?" she asked me intrigued.

"Well not going to Paris that's what!" I said spitting in her face stupidly. She punched my arm hard but a grin creeped on her face. She had been talking about going to France forever. She was finally fulfilling her dreams this holidays. Her dream to visit the city of love. Love wrenched child. She's hasn't stopped talking about since her parents said they were going. No kidding, she has been packed for weeks.

"I'm so excited!" she yelped, jumping slightly, "I wish I could take you though" she added when she saw the look on my face. Ok maybe I wouldn't mind visiting the city of love too...

"Maybe you should have wished that when you blew out your birthday candles!" I said.

"well we can't go back in time Mel, we can't go back in time." she said over dramatically, her hand touching my shoulder.

I shrugged her off and we both burst out laughing.

We reached out houses seconds later and I quickly turned engulfing her with a big hug. She was leaving for France early early tomorrow morning so this is probably the last I would see of her.

I wished her farewell and told her in not so romantic words to 'make love to a French man'

I reached my door, unlocking it because my mum wasn't home just yet. I dragged myself up the stairs and plopped down on my bed.

Thank god that was the last time I had to trudge home from school.

That means summer break is coming. Three months of no school! It's literally like getting out of jail after a year of being locked up. No more exam pressure. No more early morning. No more borinnnggggg teachers and borinnnggggg lessons.

Oh the joy of freedom! I can almost smell it.

I layed on my bed staring up at the ceiling in my usual starfish position with my arms and legs spread out to take up as much of the bed as possible.

I thought about summer break. That means one more year until graduation.

One more year until I can move out.

One more year until I get a better job, go to college, get a career...

Gosh i never really thought about what i wanted to be...

A teacher? I love kids but could I handle the work hours and having to keep control over the hyperactive kids or hormonal teenagers?

A doctor? Good pay and great feeling of helping others but long hours and pressure, maybe not?

Veterinarian? Helping animals, yes! But animals dying, no!


I turned my face back to my laptop. I had it logged into Skype and the screen was flashing a name.

Skype Caller: Nialler_Horan

I immediately answered the call.

The screen turned black for second before adjusting on two faces of which I recognized as Niall and Louis.

"Heyyyyy!" they called in unison.

"Hi!" I laughed back.

"how's life?" Niall asked.

"Well I just finished my exams and I'm heading into summer break!! Freedom at last!" I retorted. I threw my hands in the air dramatically.

They laughed, "well guess what happened at the concert in Charlotte USA?!" said Louis

"Don't tell her! It's embarrassing!" said Niall slapping his hand over Louis mouth.

A door creaked open behind the boys and Louis used his ninja skills to turn the laptop screen around. I was now looking at the wall.

"Why are you boys so loud?" I heard the familiar deep voice of whom I could pinpoint as my father.

"Paul we're just skyping friends..." Niall said.

"alright keep it down." said my dad.

I heard the door close.

Louis turned the screen back around so I was facing them again.

"pheww that was close!" Niall said.

"what would be so bad if your dad caught us talking anyway?" asked Louis.

"I've explained this before," I said, "my dad is the overprotective type. When he's around me he likes to keep me away from boys so they don't hurt me in any way. If he could help it then he would send me to an all girls school..."

"oh... So that's why he never

introduced us to each other?"


I heard the door slam downstairs which meant my mum was home. I instantly heard her voice ring up the stairs.

"honey I need to talk to you!"

She was using that voice. That sort of calming voice she used whenever she had bad news.

"sorry guys I gotta go, my mum's calling me." I said waving at the screen. They pouted, sad that the short conversation was already over. "I'll call you in the morning or something"

"ok bye!" they said in unison, both of them waving, intentionally hitting each other in the face.

I shut the laptop and headed downstairs. My mum was standing t the bottom, her arms were crossed as if she was angry but her tired face showed a sincere attempt at a smile.

"sit down. This is important." she said.


(A/N) so what do you think Melody's mum's important news is? And do you think Paul will catch her talking to the boys?

Thanks for reading. I'm adding characters to the story in the coming chapters so if you sent in a character profile then they'll be added in soon. Yippeyy!!

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~LoveBeccaBoo x

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