Chapter Twelve

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Roses are red

My name is not Dave

This poem makes no sense



Anyway I am so sorry for updating so much later than I said I would but I had writers block and not to mention school & work and what not. That's why I wrote a chapter which I think is longer than the others so yeah haha.

Also I noticed I think last week this story managed to get to #3 at some point! I mean that's crazy! Thank you so much! Maybe one day this story could get to number 1!

Thanks for reading! Here's chapter 12!


Three days later:

"Why have you been so moody lately Melody?" Uncle Alistair inquired as we sat at the dining table, "Is it your time of the month?"

"No it isn't." I stated matter-of-factly, "You know why I'm depressed."

"I don't know why you're so down in the dumps about not being able to use technology. Your visit here at the farm should be about trying something new and taking a break from technology." said Uncle Alistair.

"Hmm" I thought, poking at my very overcooked T-bone steak.

I'd made the dumb suggestion for Uncle Alistair to cook something besides potatoes for once. I realized the reason why he mainly cooked potatoes was because that's all he was able to cook.

To make it worse, I spent the last few days locked in my room. I'd spent my time watching all my DVDs on repeat on Uncle Alistair's portable DVD player. It was literally the only thing I had left that was electronic.

Uncle Alistair and I sat in silence for a fair while just sitting and picking at our dinners before Uncle Alistair raised his head and caught my eye with a sparkle.

"I could always get your old motorbike out?" he said.


Uncle Alistair yanked open the large shed doors. The dark shadow of the shed had an eerie feel to it but Uncle Alistair was more than willing to stroll inside it. I followed suit, weaving my way round the old cars before coming to a stop at the back of the large dark space.

I noticed that it was much smaller than I remembered as I wheeled it out of the shed.

I examined my bike, my beloved old friend and ran my hand over the dusty old Kawasaki label.

I remember the little green dirtbike. I used to ride it all the time when I was 11 or so. It was before we moved to our new home, away from the motorbike park that was right by our house. Somehow, all these years later it ended up here at Uncle Alistair's potato farm.

Just looking at this bike brought back so many memories.

That time I crashed into a tree and broke 2 of my ribs, only to have to wheel it all the way back to the cabin.

That time I tried to ride it across the river and actually made it across.

That time I stacked it on the hill, flew over the handle bars and rolled down the hill. I still have a scar from that til this day.

That time I had my first kiss. His name was Jake and it was at the bike park, right by my dirtbike.

"It's a beauty isn't it?" I whispered to myself.

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