Chapter Fifteen

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"Now make sure you are careful with it, it's still healing." said Nurse Caitlyn, finishing up with removing the stitches in my head.

I had freaked out before she started removing my stitches but got a proper laugh at after realizing it was a seemingly painless procedure.

Once she was done I pulled out my phone, clicking on the camera app and using it as a mirror. I fixed my hair to cover the bald spot the stitches left. Nurse Cait laughed at me as I did so.

"Don't laugh at me," I said to her. Unfortunately I wasn't able to stifle a laugh either, "It better heal fast though. I don't like this bald patch"

"Don't worry about your hair for now," she laughed, packing up her equipment into what looked a lot like a tool box.

"I'll see where your dad is, just lay back for a little while." she said.

Nurse Caitlyn walked out leaving me sitting alone in the bland hospital room. Grey walls, white bed, just the typical hospital room. I had visited this very room a fair few times in the past couple of weeks for checkups for my stitches and ribs. I was already sick of the boring aroma this bland room set off.

Dad was outside talking to Doctor Hogan to sort out papers and pay hospital fees leaving me waiting. My ribs weren't completely healed yet so they needed to work out how I was going to keep my injuries healing once I went away.

In fact in just a few hours we are leaving for Canada, joining One Direction's tour. I've got to admit I'm really excited.

Dad however is a bit iffy about the whole ordeal, I'm sure he'll set out a few ground rules around me and the boys.

Speaking of the devil, in he walked, Nurse Caitlyn walking in behind him.

"Who's ready for a plane trip to Canada?!" Dad questioned, excitement laced in his voice.

I turned around and looked at the emptiness behind me.

"Wait are you talking to me?" I asked stupidly. Nurse Caitlyn never seemed to be hold in her giggles.

"Oh, I must be in the wrong room then.." Dad said, walking out.

"Okay okay I'm coming." I said, laughing.


"...make sure your seat-belts are fastened as we will be departing soon. Thank you and I hope you enjoy a pleasant flight." Said the voice overhead, echoing through the business class section of the plane where we were.

"Aargh! How do I tighten this thing?" I asked Dad, referring to my seatbelt.

"Well if you were paying attention to the flight attendant you would know!" Dad replied, not helping me, "If you can't figure that out than I'd hate to see you trying to cope if we were about to crash.."

"Way to brighten up the situation, Dad" I said, only to learn a chuckle from him.

Just as I managed to tighten the seatbelt, the plane started moving. The could feel us rolling along the runway before the nose of the plane lifted up.

I flicked up the blinds of the little circular window, eager as we took off. The only part of a flight I ever seemed to enjoy was the take off and touch down. Lots of people hated it because it often resulted in your ears popping but I've never seemed to have that problem.

Eventually, the plane jittered a bit and symbols overhead flashed meaning we were safely in the air. Straight away I yanked off my seatbelt. I leaned over and watched out the window, practically pressing my face to it as we passed over Dublin. I tried spotting places I recognized but after only a little while I was already bored.

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