Chapter Twenty-One

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I stood in the room. That room that I'd rather not remember. It was just as dark as before, the moonlight seeping through the window, framing his body. He sat in fetal position at the window sill exactly like last time.

"Uncle Alistair?" I called quietly, not really expecting a reaction. But I was wrong.

He turned around and faced me in one swift movement as if he was a possessed person in a horror movie. His eyes were completely white, like his pupils were permanently rolled into the back of his head.

"I'm so sorry Uncle Alistair" I pleaded, taking one brave step towards him. I got no reply though. He simply stared at me, at my soul, making me feel thing I didn't want to feel. Guilt, being the worst of those emotions.

I felt the walls cave in around me, an uncomfortable warmth greeting me as if blood was seeping down the walls of this very room. I knew this wasn't real, it couldn't be but why did it feel so real?

In the click of a finger I suddenly found myself on my dirtbike outside the farm house. It wasn't how I remembered. Its features had transformed and now it was more like a wooden toy bike that had been broken and glued back together. It worked all the same however, barely even needing me to control it. The bike made no sound as I rode it past the dying crops of the potato farm, everything so much gloomier than I wanted it to be. The wind in my ears was the only distraction from the voices calling my name and accusing me. I looked ahead of me, trying not to focus on anything. To simply ride away from all my problems.

Life wasn't that easy though. Visions of a dead Uncle Alistair kept appearing in front of the bike and I struggled to swerve around them.

"It's your fault" my Uncle's corpse would call. His voice not usual but more as if layers of his voice were played over each other.

"You did this to me" his voice echoed.

"Why do you get to live but not me" he would say.

"STOP!" I yelled and pleaded, "Please!"

The bike swerved out of control and the fence that was all too familiar reached my sight. Brakes were no use, I knew what was coming. I clenched my eyes for impact but nothing came.

"Melody!" I heard my name being called, "Melody! Wake up"

My shoulders were shook gently and my eyes shot open. Through tear-filled eyes I saw the familiar features of Isabelle.

It was just a dream, Melody.

Huh, well more like a nightmare.

"Oh my gosh Mel, are you okay? Don't cry." She said worriedly and embracing me. "If it was a bad dream, just tell me about it."

I shook my head against her shoulder. Her hair was frizzy from sleeping and it tickled my nose as I hid back my sniffles. I couldn't speak about the dream. Not about my uncle. I would just end up in a sobbing mess. Well, more than I already am.

Isabelle respected the fact that I didn't want to speak about bit, but did not release me from the hug until the the last tear had seeped out of my eyes. She didn't go questioning me any further.

She broke the embrace stepping away from the bed and pulling something off the bedside table. She placed a laminated sheet of paper in my lap. I picked it up and scanned over it. It was the room service menu.

"Order whatever you want" she said with an sympathetic smile.

That clever girl knows how to get a girl to forget her problems.


"Melody, Isabelle, are you coming to the concer-" Zayn said, stopping mid-sentence after realizing the state of the room.

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