Chapter Eight

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(A/N) ok so I went on Wattpad this morning and when I looked at this story I saw that it had jumped from 2k to 3k. Holy Carrots, I feel like I have so much pressure on me now! Ah

Thank you so much for getting me to 3k, the last thing I expected is that this crappy story that popped into my head one day would get over this many reads, I expected 200 max. Just wow!


Melody's POV

I sat down at the kitchen bench as mum paced the room.

What was this important news that she needed to give me?

Did she have cancer?

Was she going to die?

Stop being so stupid Melody. No need to jump to conclusions.

I'm probably just over reacting, we're probably getting a new dog...

Then again mum looked really worried. Gosh I can take care of a dog mum.

You know what? It's probably not a new dog...


"you're probably wondering why I called you down here..." she questioned.

"no need to be formal, just tell me the news," I told her.

Please be a dog.

"well the medical clinic where I work is closing down for renovation..." she said.

Maybe not a dog.


"And well, in the mean time I've been transferred to Wales to work." she finished.

"Wales?!!" I repeated shocked, "we're going to Wales?"

"well you see... This job in Wales. It's for the top boss. I need to have my focus completely on working," she explained, "I can't drag you over to Wales with me. It'll take up your whole summer break and I can't just leave you alone over there while I work half the time."

Great. So my own mum thinks of me as baggage.

Baggage that can't take care of herself.

"So what am I supposed to do while your gone? Thats over three months! I can't stay by myself, I hardly get payed anything from my job so I can't pay for anything." I said, my voice raising to a yell.

"You can stay at your aunts?"

"No way."

"Cathy's?" she asked.

"She's going on vacation to France"

"Look I'll work something out and you're just going to have to deal with it ok?!" she demanded.

I ran upstairs without answering. I slammed my door and slouched down on my bed.

So mums in charge of who I stay the summer with. Great it looks like I'll end up staying with Great Uncle Cecil in the retirement village.



Well at least he has a dog.

I like dogs.


(A/N) So that was the important news. Is that what you expected?

Who do you think she'll end up staying the summer with? Don't jump to conclusions. I have plot twists and more family drama to come.

Thanks for reading. You're all bloody amazing! Love you!

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~ LoveBeccaBoo xxxxxxxxxxx...

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