Chapter Eighteen

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"I want, I want, I want,

But that's crazy

I want, I want, I want,

And that's not me

I want, I want, I want,

To be loved by you.

I want, I want, I want,

And all the girls say,

I want, I want, I want,

And that's crazy

I want, I want, I want,

To be loved by you."

Girls all around me. Directioners, I should say. They screamed the boys' names, reaching out as if they were close enough to touch.

I stood in an area between the stage and the fans. I sort of felt bad that I got to fulfill the dreams of many of the girls in this room. For most of them, this is the closest they would ever get to their idols.

The stage had been set out as if for a formal dinner. The boys were dressed up in suits and I have to say, those boys have talent. Not just in singing and performing but in not dying. I mean, if I spent a couple of hours jumping around, singing, with constant wardrobe changes and with the heat of the spotlight, I'd probably collapse. And let alone to do it on an almost daily basis. Yeah, those boys were mad.

They thanked the fans for having them, each of them making up their own little speech of gratitude before bidding farewell. That was enough to send the fans into overdrive, swooning over the boyband and not wanting them to leave. The boys sprinted off stage leaving an arena full of Directioner girls calling their names.

The lights turned on allowing for the fans to leave at any time. Their faces were still left in astonishment of the concert, not eager to leave anytime soon.

"What now?" I yelled into my Dad's ear, trying to be heard over the screaming girls.

"Well I might have to stay back a little while," Dad said, "Got to wait until the fans calm down, you know"

I nodded and I left my Dad, instantly making my way around the stage to the back stage area of the building. I wasn't going to wait for these girls to calm down. My ears were already ringing from the screaming during the past two hours.

I held out my backstage pass as I passed each bodyguard in the case they weren't already aware of my existence as Paul's daughter. Once I managed to find my way behind the stage, I trailed up a long white hallway. All along the side were doors labelled with things like 'Production Room'. As I walked along, random people brushed past me. Some were calm, some in a hurry.

It sort of reminded me of a hospital.The hallway being almost clinical. The people were much like doctors rushing to a hospital room and the slower ones being families coming to terms with a loss. If I could help it, I would never go to a hospital ever again. Bad memories there.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch and turn around. I found myself face to face with none other than Liam. He had dressed down from his suit, leaving him barefoot in just his suit pants. I looked at him right in the eyes however, not any lower, as hard as that may seem.

"Mel, you walked straight past our dressing room." Liam laughed at me.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention" I said. He motioned for me to follow him to the dressing room, continuing the conversation.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you were in zombie mode" Liam said, putting him arms out in front of him and walking supposedly like a zombie. I laughed at him.

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