Chapter Ten

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(A/N) Hey Wattpadderinos! Sorry for the late update. I've just been really busy and I've had writers block so this chapter probably won't be as good.

Wow over 70k reads. Just wow.


Three Days Later:

Daylight seemed through the curtains stinging my eyes as I opened them. As my eyes adapted to the sunlight I looked around my room. Oh that's right. I'm not at home, I'm at uncle Alistair's farm.

I pulled out my phone that was resting between the pillows.


Wow, I'm surprised uncle Alistair didn't wake me up early to help him on the farm.

I lifted my body out of the bed and put on my boots. I strolled down the short hallway. There were only three small bedrooms in the house that all looked roughly the same. At the end of the hallway was a fairly large room that was a kitchen, dining room and living room combined. That was literally the whole house, if you don't count the outhouse out the back.

I slid open the back door and saw my uncle Alistair pulling potatoes out if the ground and placing them in a wheel barrow across the field. As soon as he noticed me he threw me a wave.

"Morning sweetheart! Make yourself a cup of tea, I'll be with you in a sec!" he yelled as loud as he could so I could hear him from across the field, "Oh and do me a favor and get me my heart pills!"

I slid the back door shut and wandered over to te kitchen bench. I filled the stainless steel kettle with water before placing it on the stove and lighting the gas. Old style kettle boiling.

Alright now heart pills. Where would they be? I reached up and opened a small cabinet above the sink.

Ok. Headache tablets, antiseptic spray, bandages, condoms Ew Ew Ew. I don't want to think about my uncle's sex life... Wait! There! Heart pills!

I better get him a glass of water as well to rinse down the pills too.

I walked out the back door, the air not as cold as I thought it would be. I suppose it because it's late in the morning.

"Here we go!" I said over-enthusiastically once I reached him, extending my arms out to pass my uncle the pills and water. He instantly grabbed the pills throwing two in his mouth and swallowing it dry. He then grabbed the glass of water and poured on the soil.

"for the potatoes." he clarified.

Ok interesting technique.

"What do you need the heart pills for anyway?" I asked Uncle Alistair.

"For my kidneys." he said sarcastically, laughing at his own joke, "Nah it's nothing you need to worry about squirt."

He ruffled my hair and turned back to the potatoes. I took that as my signal that the conversation was over. I made my way back to the house.

As I walked inside I heard the crackling of the fire. Uncle Alistair must have started the fire in the fire place.

I made myself a nice chai latte which I chose from my uncle's extensive collection of tea and coffee mixtures in the cupboard.

I took a seat on the couch opposite the fire, watching it as it crackled and spat embers. I leant back into the couch, slowly sipping my drink as I held it in both hands. I placed my feet up on the couch and held them to my chest. That's when I noticed the television sitting in the corner. I put my drink down, walking up to the tv. It was a box television. Not a flat screen by all means. I clicked on the 'on' button and started scrolling through the channels. Of course, only three channels. Yay. Sport, sport and sport. Just my luck that I'm not really a sport person. I think watching the fire is more interesting. I turned the television off just as a sweaty Uncle Alistair walked in.

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