Chapter Six

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(A/N) So right now I'm sitting in the waiting room of my orthodontist waiting to get my braces tightened... :o

Anyways I've read all the comments (thankyou!) and a couple character profile requests too, I've noted them :)

This chapter is dedicated to NathalyeLovesCelebs because she made the first ever comment! Thank you! I literally fangirled when I got the first comment. That's right. Congratulations for making me fangirl hahaha!

Now read. That is a command.


7am Dublin, Ireland

Melody's POV:

It had been three months since dad left.

Mum misses him heaps.

Me? Well I'm use to him being away. My whole life he's always been traveling with some band or artist. But mum never seems to get used to him being away.

It had been three months, he promised to call every week but he's only called once.

Some father he is.

Some husband he is. Poor mum.

That's my dad. Promise this, promise that but he never keeps his promise. He's too focussed on his job that he forgets about his own family.

He told me never to call him unless it's an emergency because my phone company has very high costs for overseas calls but I think I deserve a call... For all I know he could be dead. That's an emergency right?

I pulled out my iPhone and scrolled through the contacts until I reached the name I was looking for:

Daddy Paul

It's just past 3am in Orlando, where the band was touring at the moment but I think deserve a call.

I pressed ring.

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

Maybe he's not going to answer...

Suddenly I felt the phone get picked up.

"Helloooo" cooed a voice.

"um Dad?"

I heard a gasp followed by mumbling in the background.

I heard the voice again, "Hey I'm Louis!"


Louis' POV:

We had gotten to the hotel just an hour ago.

All us boys were sharing the same room. It was a fairly large room with 3 bunk beds. Just like our XFactor days.

Paul and a few body guards were using the rooms next door.

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

"ughhuhh..." slurred Liam who was sleeping on the top bunk of the bed.

"I only just got to sleep..." moaned Zayn who was very particular about his sleeping and didn't like being disturbed.

"Sorry..." I said reaching into the pocket of my trench coat that was hanging off my bed, "I don't know who's calling at this hour, everyone knows where I am and what time it is"

I quickly pressed the pickup button of the iPhone just before the caller hung up.

"Helloooo" i cooed into the phone.

"um Dad?" replied a female voice.

Dad? Um I don't recall ever having a daughter.

"who is it?" asked Niall.

I looked down at the phone.

"wait a second... this isn't my phone." I gasped.

"then who's phone is it?" mumbled Zayn sleepily.

Then it clicked!

"Holy...!" I said trailing off in realization, "I'm talking to Paul's daughter!"

I put the phone on loudspeaker so all the boys could hear then put the speaker up to my mouth again, "Hey I'm Louis!"

"Oh..." she said, "so you're from One Direction right?"

"yeahhhh and you're his daughter right?" I asked.

"yep. So...," she continued intrigued, " how's my dad as a manager?"

"well funny story..."


Melody's POV:

"bye Louis! Tell the other boys goodbye too," I said into the phone, "make sure you call me soon."

"sure thing," he replied, "bye!!"

The line went dead as he hung up.

I had been on the phone for over two hours. I chatted with each of the boys for ages. Dad's going to kill me when he sees my phone bill. Oops.

They were hilarious boys, I don't understand why my dad never wanted me to meet them.

Harry was quiet at first but after talking to him for a few minutes he warmed up and he's actually a pretty funny guy, he even threw in a flirty joke or two. I'm pretty sure he was joking... I mean he doesn't even know what I look like.

Niall was irish like me! Yay! We mainly talked (and laughed a lot!) about if we knew the same people and whereabouts we've been... mainly restaurants. The guy has eaten in every restaurant in the northern hemisphere.

Zayn was like Harry, quiet at first but after a while we started to joke around as if we've been best friends for years.

Liam was so cute, telling me about the times him and the boys pranked my dad. But then apologizing for anytime they may have accidentally hurt him by the pranks they pulled and surprise piggy backs hahaha

But there was something about Louis. Just something.

He was by far the funniest, craziest and easiest to talk to.

But there was something about him. Just something that I- WAIT! WHAT? Shut up Melody. Louis is a famous singer in the most popular boyband of this day and age. There is nothing 'intriguing' about him! Ok Mel? You don't really even know the guy.

But I could get to know him.

Hello Internet.

YouTube Search:

One Direction XFactor 2010

YouTube Search:

One Direction Video Diaries

YouTube Search:

WMYB official video


Up All Night- One Direction

Yep I think I'm gonna like them...



It's not the best chapter but hey, i'm sitting in an orthodontist waiting room typing on my iPhone...

I hope you liked it anyway :)

I'm going to try to update twice a week. Sometime at the start of the week and sometime at the end of the week. I'll try to stick to the schedule but if I'm busy then I'll try to update at least once a week.

Thanks for reading :) and remember to vote/comment/fan/share, it's as easy as one click.

~LoveBeccaBoo x

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