Destined For Greatness

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Warning: lots of POV switches. Try to keep up! :)

*Basilton's POV*

There is he goes again. Making absolute, gigantic, perfect mess of things. Making me weak in the knees and light in the head. All just by walking out of our restroom with only a towel. Why can't he ever remember to bring clothes in there with him instead of torturing me so much?

"What are you staring at, Pitch?" Snow sneers at me, catching my eyes trailing his torso.

Your wonderful body, Simon, what else?

"Nothing worth my time, obviously." I say instead.

My words must do something because he huffs but drops the conversation. Only grabbing his clothes much too aggressively and slamming the bathroom door on his way back in. I wince at the echoed sound.

*Simon's POV*

What an absolute wanker! Why can't he be nice, just once? Would it bloody kill him? I might, with his dramatic arse.

I quickly put my sleep clothes on and open the door, preparing myself for an argument about how I made a mess, or am awfully annoying, or how I'm the worst chosen one to have ever been chosen. However, the harsh words never come at me because as I step out I see that the room is empty. Baz must've went to the Catacombs again to eat rats. Or meet with my girlfriend out in the Woods to do Merlin knows what behind my back. I should run after him, see what exactly is he doing all alone in the night, but I'm too exhausted after a day of following him everywhere else to care what he does tonight.

I through the window open, glad to finally be able to without being yelled at, and jump into bed. As I start to drift off into sleep, I feel a cold, yet comforting, presence settle into the room. But my eyes are closed before I can see anything...or anyone.

*Basilton's POV*

I don't know when I started crying, but now I'm in a pool of my own tears. Sobbing out the pain I've felt for far too long. A pain that will never go away, that will never lessen for even a moment for me to breathe.

"I'm sorry, mother. I'm sorry that I stand as everything you fought against. I never wanted to disappointment you, but that seems to be all I am good at anymore." I apologize to the engraving of my mother's name on her tomb.

I come down here as much as possible, every night if I'm able to. I know apologizing to a stone doesn't make up for all the terrible things I have done and continue to do, but I hope it will at least reach her beyond the Veil. I only wish to let her know how sorry I am for...well, how sorry I am for being what I am. A vampire. A vampire attracted to guys. A vampire attracted to a specific guy that is set out to kill me. As he very well should, I suppose...
Maybe if my mother knew that I truly don't like my existence, then she could be at rest in peace, and my pain will be gone.

*Natasha's POV*

Oh, my little puff. Why must you torture yourself like this? You deserve so much more. You deserve the world and some. I could never hate you, no matter what you are and who you love. You're my child. There isn't a thing in any universe that could take my love away from you.

I cannot watch this any longer. I cannot see you come to me every night with tear-filled eyes and a shattered heart. I may not be able to tell you directly, for who knows what might happen to you by my visiting, but I will make sure you are taken care of, my son. I promise that much to you.

*Simon's POV*

I wake up feeling that same cold, comforting presence in the room. Blinking my eyes slowly, I stare at my roommates bed, only to find it still empty.

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