I Have Never Done An AU Before, So Please Forgive Me If It Sucks. I Just Really Needed To Post Something Happy After The Last One. So Here Is My First Soulmate AU! Also, Sorry It Took Me Forever To Update! School Just Started, And, Well, That's Why. Bye!--Me
*Simon's POV*
"Simon, calm down. It will be here soon I'm sure." Penny promised. See, the thing is, I haven't got my sentence yet. When you turn 18, you are suppose to get a sentence on your wrist. The first sentence that your soulmate says to you. However, in my case, I haven't got mine. I turned 18 a week ago, and my wrist is still blank. 'What if I don't have a soulmate? What if no one loves me, and I am alone forever?' My mind whines. "But Penny! You got yours the day you turned 18. And everyone else usually gets theirs only a few days after, but it has been a week! I know you think I sound crazy, but hear me out. Isn't there just a teenie-tiny part of you that thinks there is a chance that I don't have a soulmate?" I ask her. She sighs, pulling her unruly purple hair into a bun on top of her head, and faces me with a slight frown on her lips. "Fine, maybe. Maybe you haven't got your sentence because you don't have a soulmate." She admitted. I stare at her in disbelief. "W-What?" I stutter with wide eyes. She puts down the book that she was holding, a very frustrated look forming on her usually happy face, and glares. "What?! You asked if there was a chance you didn't have a soulmate, and I said the truth. Not that I believe it, but, yes, there is a chance that you don't have a soulmate. But, Simon? I'm positive you have a soulmate, and I'm always right. You are handsome, funny, caring, and honest. There is no way you don't have a soulmate. Just wait a little bit longer, yeah? You will get you sentence soon." Penny assures me. I try to believe her. 'I must have a soulmate. I can't live the rest of my life without someone. I need a soulmate.' My mind states. Penny is right. I just have to wait a little longer for my sentence. Can't be that hard, right?
*Four Days Later*
I wake up, my vision blurry with sleep and body still heavy, and stare at my ceiling. I want to look down at my wrist, but I'm scared. I'm scared that it will still be as bare as it was for the past 18 years, one week, and four days. I close my blue eyes and heave a deep sigh. 'It will come. It will come.' My mind chants. Penny's speech only lasted a day, then I was back to worrying. Today is Sunday, so I know I will see her tomorrow and she will have to listen to me complain, then convince me I'm just paranoid. I have started to accept that I don't have a anyone. That there isn't a person out there that is destined o be with me for the rest of our lives. It's sad, I know, but I figured that if my sentence doesn't come within the next week, I don't have a soulmate, and it's better to start getting use to that idea now then to wait and hope that it isn't true. There is a still a part of me, a very small part, that hopes that my soulmate is out there. But when that part tries to comment on anything, it gets quickly shut down by the huge part of me that is starting to let go of it's hopes. I pull the blankets off my body, avoiding even a glance at my wrist, and decide to get in the shower. Every time I don't feel my best, I shower. The warm water and the inhalation of the steam through my lungs calms me. I make the small trek from my bedroom to the bathroom, avoiding quietness of my flat. Yes, my flat. Everyone is usually surprised that at only 18 I already have a place on my own, but thy don't know why, only Penny. As soon as I turned 17, I stared looking for places to rent, and when I was finally 18 and able to leave my foster homes, I immediately bought the flat I had been looking at for months, using the money left for me by my real parents. I grab my mobile, pressing play in my music to fill the silence in my home. Sometimes I wish I had a roommate, then I think about having to watch as they live their life with the one that lives them, and I just don't think I could stand that. 'It's only been a week and a few days, it's not like you have been in the knowing of your loneliness for a long time.' My mind snickered. I shake my head, wanting to clear all thoughts out of my mind, and start stripping as I turn on the water. I step in, the boiling water soaking me, and let my mind drift into nothingness. I close my eyes, and just stand and let the clear liquid trail down my naked body.

SnowBaz Oneshots
أدب الهواةA collection of Simon Snow and Baz Pitch oneshots. Different POVs in each part. I'm truly sorry if I do not give these characters their justice. I rated this Mature because there will be kissing *wink wink* and because i am super paranoid. Please te...