For Him

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This Part Was Also Requested By ROSIEHI2 !


*Basilton's POV*

"Darling, it's okay. You have to go, I know that. It's only one year, and I'll see you during break. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. And I know you will, too." Simon comforts me again. I try to believe him, but I can't help but think about all the bad things that could happen in the one year I'll be gone at Watford.

It's my final year. The war ended, the school was repaired, and now everyone is returning. Bunce and I will be going back to graduate, but Simon will be staying here. Since his magic never came back, it would be useless for him to finish Watford with us. Though, to me, it would be very useful having him there. Even if it is only to give me peace of mind.

I know Simon is independent, strong. But I'm still worried about him. It's only been a few months since the war, and even though Simon is doing better, he will still fall into his holes every once and a while. But usually I'm here, or Bunce is, to help him get through them. But what will happen when neither of us are here to comfort him? I don't want to come back during break to find Simon holed up...or worse.

"Hey, stop thinking. Whatever your mind is telling you, don't listen. Everything is going to be okay. Now, Penny is waiting in the car. I'll see you in a few months, Darling. Be safe. I love you!" Simon says, kissing me before pushing me out the door.

Stumbling, I turn to glare at him, only to see his smiling face. My glare turns into a smirk and I yell to him that I love him as I climb into the car next to Bunce. Driving away, I see Simon stand in the doorway of our home, waving bye to us. I wave back, holding back tears, and finally look away. I know it's only going to be a few months before I see him again, but I just know that I'm going to miss him more than anything.

*Time Skip*

After unloading my luggage from the back of the car, I say goodbye to Bunce and head to Mummer's House.

'These bloody stairs!' My mind seethes as I finally climb the last step to our room.

'My room.' My mind reminds me. Now that Simon won't be here, it's just my room. I feel an ache in my chest at the thought.

Muttering the spell, I open the door and scan the room. It's exactly as we left it. I put my bags by my dresser, making a mental note to unpack later, and go to fall into my bed. Unfortunately, I catch a glimpse of Simon's empty one.

Without realizing it, tears start to pool on my eyes and fall down my cheeks as I continue to stare at the empty space.

I miss him so much. I saw him this morning, I know, but I already wish I was back with him. I slowly stand and go to lay on his bed, soaking up any scent left by him.

I hug his pillow to me, and close my eyes. Tomorrow classes starts, so I have the rest of the night to do whatever. Originally I had planned to meet with Dev and Niall to catch up, maybe even have a few drinks, but now that I'm already in bed, no matter who's, I decide to just sleep. I hunted last night, so I don't have to tonight. Plus, maybe sleeping will keep me from think about the pain I feel in my chest from missing my love. If this is how bad it feels on only the first day, I don't know if I can make it without him for the next year.

*The Next Day*

Entering the Dining Hall, I see Bunce wave me over to her table. For a split second, I expect to see Simon sitting there, stuffing his face with scones, and Wellbelove holding his hand.
But I remember that Simon is home and Wellbelove, at least of last I heard, is somewhere in the states.

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