Will Be Better

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This Part Was Requested By MAGIKSYD !
I'm So So Sorry It Took Me So Long To Write This! I Kept Trying, But Nothing Worked...I Hope You Guys Like It! Bye!


*Simon's POV*

"Can I come?"

I don't know why I'm asking, I know what the answer is going to be: no. Which makes sense, I shouldn't want to go back there. Back to the place that holds so much pain. However, against all better judgement, I still do.

"What? Are you sure? You don't have to, Love. I'll be back every weekend to visit if that's it." Baz asks as he suddenly stops packing and looks at me worriedly. Most likely wondering why in the world I want to go. And, to be honest, missing him is definitely part of the reason why I want to go, it's just not the whole reason.

Walking to him, I take his hands in mine and place a light kiss to his palm.

"I am. I'm sure. I want to finish. Everyone gets to go back and graduate, I want to, too. I-I know it'll be hard, seeing it again, and because I don't have m-magic anymore, but let me come with you guys. Please...Just let me do this." I explain, biting my lip to keep from crying. It's still hard, even though the battle with The Mage and The Humdrum ended a year ago, to talk about the past and my loss of magic. 

Baz's silver eyes fill with understanding, he knows that I have to do this. I just have to. Even if I can't truly explain why, I just need to do this.

"Okay, then. But promise me that if you start having any doubts, tell me. I will bring you back here, no matter when, okay? I don't want you to be upset for any reason." My love demands.
Smiling, I agree and walk away to start packing. I don't know if I'm ready to see Watford again, but I know one thing: I'm not letting my past stop me from starting my future. Hopefully it will be better than before.

*Time Skip*

"Here we are!" Penny yells as she parks in front of the gates of Watford. Immediately, she jumps out of the car, grabs her bags, and runs to the gates, yelling at us to hurry our butts up.

However, I stay in my seat, both excited to be back, and terrified for the same reason.

I don't know why I decided to come. This is crazy! I mean, everyone here probably hates me. I destroyed Watford, causing them to close for a year in repair work, and I brought so many hardships for magic: the holes, The Humdrum, the attacks. The teachers most likely wish I'm dead, the students probably want to have to rounds in beating me for making them wait a year to come back to school.

"Love? Are you even listening to me?" I hear Baz say as I come out of my thoughts. Turning to face him, I see his arms crossed and a not-really- annoyed expression on his face.

Blushing, I shake my head no in response. Baz scoots closer to me and pulls me to him in a kiss. Somehow, he always knows what to do to help me relax. I guess it's because all he has to do is kiss me and I feel better instantly.

"I said, everything is going to be okay. Bunce and I will be right beside you. Now, let's go, Love, else Bunce will have our heads for being 'slow'." My love pecks my cheek and we exit the car, grabbing our bags (and each other's free hand).

"Here we go." I mutter under my breath as the gates open to Penny's touch and spell, and we walk into the grounds of a place that holds so many memories.

*Time Skip*

"Welcome, Simon! I was surprised to hear you were coming back, you know after everything...But I'm glad to have to you here! Now, what brings you to my office?" Mrs. Bunce, the new headmaster of Watford, asks joyfully as I enter.

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