*Baz's POV*It's been five years since Natasha joined us. Five fantastic years. I wouldn't have dreamed of a better family. A lovingly, caring, compassionate, stubborn, beautiful husband. And a cute, funny, intelligent daughter. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Natasha yells at Simon who is cuddled into my side. He lifts his head slightly and yawns out, "Yes, Natasha?" She crawls into our laps and stares up at us with her huge blue eyes. Natasha mostly looks like me, black silky hair, pale skin, and slim body, only a little chub on her that makes her so much more of herself. But there is a few things that she got from Simon; for example, she has bright blue curious eyes, loves to eat, a few miles scattered on her body, and she is human. That was one thing I always thanked Simon for. And some she was human, after being born, she grew at abnormal rate. We were afraid that she would grow up fast since she did wen she was in me as a fetus, but we got lucky. She is fully a human mage. When she started teething, we were all afraid that fangs might grow, but they didn't, and I cried so many happy tears when they didn't. I was extremely happy that she wasn't a vampire, that she could be a normal little girl. Well, as normal as a little girl with two biological dads and magic can get. That's another thing we were all, well mostly Bunce was, excited to discover, Natasha has magic. She is starting to learn small spells, and we are starting to teach her how the world of mages works. She seems to understand fully, which brings me much relief. "Daddy, Dad, tell me a story." Natasha says as she lays down in our laps, using me as a bed and Simon as a pillow. "What story?" I ask her, rubbing her back soothingly. "The one where Daddy saved the world. That one is my favourite." She says plainly. I look at Simon and he begins the story of when everything was crashing and he had to give up his magic to save the world of mages. One might say that this story is too gruesome to tell a 5 year old, but when we first told her, she knew that we changed the story. So we told her the real one, and she seems to be doing just fine. I feel her body get heavier, her trying to fight off sleep to hear the end off the story. "Then Dad came in and gave me so much love that I was over filled it, and after a few more years of difficulty, we were able to live happily ever after. Goodnight, Natasha. I love you." Simon finishes with a kiss on her cheek. I lean on to kiss her temple, ad Simon carries her sleeping body to her room. He comes back seconds later and curls back into me. "Darling?" He says looking up at me. "Yes?" I reply. He lays down, head on my lap and eyes gazing up at me. I run my fingers through his golden curls when he asks his question. "Do you ever regret anything about our life?" I stare down at him. 'Is he being serious, or is he just playing a joke?' My mind wonders. "No. Why in bloody hell would I regret anything? I have the perfect home, the perfect husband, and the perfect daughter. I couldn't have wished for a better life. Do you? Regret anything?" I ask right back. He scrunches his face, but answer immediately. Does he regret something? Am I missing something? "There is only one thing I regret." Simon starts out. I stop moving my hand, and stop breathing. 'Oh no.' Is all my mind is able to contribute. "W-What?" I ask as casually as possible. He still can detect the fear in my voice. He always could. "No, Darling, just listen. I regret that I was never able to see my love for you. That I spent all of our Watford years hating you, making you hate yourself, and never saw what was there all along. W-We could've been happy for so much longer if I just trusted my feelings." He confesses, turning his head so I can't see his eyes. "Love," I say firmly, pulling his back to face me, "don't you ever regret that. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. You didn't realize how you felt, and that is perfectly okay. Because guess what? You noticed eventually, and there ain't anything I would do to change what happened. Watford might've been better if we were together, but the present wouldn't be the same either, and I could never let that happen. I love our family. I love you. I even love Bunce, as much as I hate to admit it. Don't regret anything. There is absolutely nothing that you should regret." I lean down and place a deep kiss on his chapped pink lips. I pull back and he smiles at me. "Darling, you are an amazing person." Simon says with love filled in his eyes. His face softens and takes a far off look. "What are you thinking about now, Love?" I ask. He looks back to me and smiles and forced smile. "Sometimes I wish we could have another baby. I love Natasha, I wouldn't want to change a thing about her, but I also want her to have siblings. I never had them and I always wished I did. And now my own child can't have them, I just don't want her to feel like I did." He tears up when he mentions his past. I wipe away the tears before they fall and tell him what he needs to hear: the truth. "Love, we never found out why I got pregnant. I admit, another baby would bring me so much joy, but I'm okay with knowing we at least as one. The best one. Natasha isn't going to grow the way you did, although you turned out quite fine to me, because we will show her all the love she needs and more. She won't need siblings because she has the two best dads, and friends, she needs." He nods but still has the look of thinking placed on his face. "What about adopting? I know you are right, I realize that know, but I still want he to have a child her age to play with. A sibling." He complains. I stare down at him, and it fills me with to tell him we can't do what he wishes. "Simon, Love, I-I'm sorry. We can't adopt love. We are mages, adopting a Normal could put it in danger of the entire world of mages. And you know that there are no magic children that don't have a family. I promise you, I want another child too. For us and for Natasha, but it's just not meant to happen. We don't even know why we have one already, that I'm itself is a miracle. The most fantastic miracle we could be blessed with." He sits in my lap and silently cries into my shoulder. "I-I ju-just wanted t-to gi-give Natasha everything I didn't have. I wanted for her to have a better life than me." I bury my head in his neck, listening to his blood pump through his veins. "Simon? I know you want everything for Natasha, I do too, but having a sibling isn't something we can give her. But listen, she is happy. I know she is. Didn't you just see her? She was so excited just for us to tell her a story we have told her a million times. She is happy being only child, because she has us. That's all she needs. And all we need is her." He nods his head and says that he agrees. That he loves us and wouldn't want to change a thing. I sit there on the couch with him, slowly calming him down enough to wear he can speak properly. "Baz? Can I ask you something?" He looks so nervous when he says this that I'm almost afraid of whatever question he has. I still nod my head yes, though. "Do you ever think about turning me? Like seriously think about it?" He asks me. My immediate response would be no, but I never lie to Simon. "Yes. But I don't want to do it. Like, yes I do want to do it, because that would mean that you are with me forever. But I don't want to do it unless I truly know you want to too. Not just because it's an impulse, but because you have put real thought into it." I confess. He stares up at me in bewilderment, probably expecting me to say no as I usually do. "I have put a lot of thought into it. I want to be by your side forever and always." He pulls my head to his and kisses my mouth fiercely. "Okay, but I still don't want to do it yet. I will one day, I promise I will. I couldn't live without you, but I want to wait a few more years." He smiles and nods his head so fast I thought it might his neck might break. "I love you, Darling." He says when nuzzling back into my chest. I wrap my arms around him and say, "I adore you, Love."
*Penelope's POV*
I know I shouldn't have been ease dropping, but hearing my brother and my new best friend talk about their charmed life and how much they love each other, I couldn't help myself. I sit on the floor with my head against the door. 'You came here to tell them the truth.' My mind scolds. I just shake my head and listen to them. The whole reason I came here was to finally tell them why Basil got pregnant all those years ago. The truth is... I did it. I had heard them talking about getting married, and I knew what they both wanted: a baby. So I came up with a spell that would make one of them fertile for one night, and knowing Simon, I put the spell on Basil. We all know that he is stronger. Simon is the sweet one, Basil is the strong one. They even each other out. But now listening to them talk about their life, I decided that I won't tell them. Not because I'm selfish, or I want to torture them, I can't let them get their hopes up. The spell only works once in a couple, that's why they can't have another child. I want them to have a baby, Natasha is the most wonderful child over ever met, so I know if they had another it would be just as amazing. But magic doesn't work like that. I know they are happy. And that they love their family. I'm not ruining that. This is their life. Their fantastic life.
So I Know That I Said It Was Only Going To Be Three Parts, But I Couldn't Stop It There. I Needed To Finish It Right, And I Promise You, This Is The Actual End. Hope You Liked It! Bye!

SnowBaz Oneshots
FanfictionA collection of Simon Snow and Baz Pitch oneshots. Different POVs in each part. I'm truly sorry if I do not give these characters their justice. I rated this Mature because there will be kissing *wink wink* and because i am super paranoid. Please te...