*Basilton's POV*"Baz!"
I sigh as I hear Bunce's angered voice echo through our small flat. Does this woman realize that even a whisper would suffice? No need for all the yelling, that will only make our neighbors furious. Again.
As of this moment, only Bunce and I are home, each waiting on Simon to get back from work. It's odd, to say the least, when her and I are left to ourselves.
Technically, we are dating. She is my "girlfriend", even though I am 100% gay. And she practically hates my existence. But, we agreed to be civil in our relationship, because of Simon. Neither of us could lose him, so we decided we'd all three be together. What a poor decision that turned out to be...
In the beginning it was okay. Weird, of course, but okay. Bunce and I shared many interests and we tried to make it work for Simon. He was delighted we were trying, and swore up and down that Bunce and I would eventually see how we would make an "awesome pair". However, over time (4 months to be exact) things only worsened. Bunce is too loud, too stubborn, and overly too mucb "Penelope Bunce" for me. And apparently everything I do and some of which I don't pushes all her buttons. I don't intend to, it's only that we are just not meant to be.
I love Simon. Bunce loves Simon. But we do not love each other. I don't think we ever will either. It's just a matter of time till one of us breaks.
"Merlin and Morgana, Basilton!" A shrill voice yells once again.
"You know, yelling is a bit of an overkill, Bunce. I heard you plenty well the first time."
I can feel the anger from her build even though she is in the next room (our bedroom). Still, instead of going to see whatever has her so coiled up, I stay planted on the couch with my book in hand. Bunce, unsurprisingly, has different plans for me.
She stomps (what is she? A child?) into the living space with hands on her hips and a scowl on her round face. Her foot starts tapping on the hardwood floor, getting faster and faster with each second I don't answer or acknowledge her. Yet, once again, I can't find it in me to care. Let her get truly ticked, it's not my problem.
Right as Bunce opens her mouth (no doubt ready yell at me for being lazy, or rude, or incompetent as always) Simon pushes the door open, the bright smile on his face quickly replaced by a worried frown.
Oh how I wish to bring the smile back. I only caught a split second of it, but it still was the best, brightest thing in the room.
"What's going on, guys?" His voice comes out softly. He looks almost scared, but not necessarily in a "run for your life" way but more of a "what can I do to fix this" way. That may not make any sense, but it's Simon. He doesn't have to make sense.
Penny huffs and crosses her arms (she really is a child) before starting to rant about how terrible I am. Or something to that degree.
"I can't do this anymore, Simon! He is constantly complaining, shows no emotions ever, and thinks he is better and more deserving of everything than anyone else! He's a selfish, intolerable, and overall a terrible boyfriend. How am I supposed to put up with this? How do you put up with him?"
The words hurt more than I care to admit. I try to mask my emotions on my face, avoiding the fact that I'm only proving her point.
Am I so hard to love? Am I really that terrible of a person? Does everyone think this of me? Does Simon think all this? Has he thought this all along? Only staying out of pity or fear? Will he lea-
My spiraling thoughts are quickly cut short by Simon's rising voice.
"Penny! How dare you say such things about him? Baz is wonderful. What in the World of Mages is going on? What happened?" My love asks, anger still lacing his voice. My heart swells just a little at his compliment and protection. But I don't let my hopes get too high, Bunce looks ready to insult me again.

SnowBaz Oneshots
FanfictionA collection of Simon Snow and Baz Pitch oneshots. Different POVs in each part. I'm truly sorry if I do not give these characters their justice. I rated this Mature because there will be kissing *wink wink* and because i am super paranoid. Please te...