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I Told You Guys I Wasn't Finished! Just Took Me A Long Long Long Long While To Write Another One...Hope You Like It! Bye!


*Simon's POV*

That insufferable prat. All I wanted was to have a romantic night. I mean seriously, is that so much to ask for from your boyfriend? I guess it is, speaking as my loving boyfriend decided to spend the whole night on the phone. I know I didn't tell him I was planning a romantic night, I wanted to surprise him, but you would think that once he entered the front door, getting a clear view of the candlelit table in the kitchen, he would immediately put down the phone. But this didn't happen. He walked in, not even bothering to look up at me, dropped his things and went to his office. Like I said, the insufferable prat. I tried calling for him, I really tried, but he only said he was busy and locked the door of his office. So I threw away all his food, ate mine, and cleaned up my 'mess' in the kitchen. I didn't want to bother my lovely boyfriend so I took a shower and went to bed. This was all last night and apparently Basil wants to make it a habit because he is once again locked away in his office without even a simple glance in my direction. I look in the mirror as I put in the silver tongue stud, speaking as I never wear it and still need some assistance it getting it in. 'Bloody prick.' My mind says as I hear Baz shuffling papers around in the room next door. I finally get the stud in and put my silver bracelets on my wrists and my cross necklace around my neck. I make sure I have everything on and walk out to go make dinner. 'Just because he is being a bloody wanker doesn't mean I'm keeping myself from having dinner.' My mind complains. I listen for Baz, a small shred of hope that he will hang up that bloody cell and join me for dinner, but no doors open and Baz stays in his office. I continue to the kitchen and start making food. Italian food to be exact.

*Basilton's POV*

"Yes, I know. The papers are all signed. Yes, I'll be at the meeting tomorrow. Yes, you too. I must go. Have a good evening." I say into the cell. 'Idiot.' My mind mutters as I hang up on my newest client. I sigh and sort all my papers for the meeting tomorrow. I have been working nonstop for the past few weeks, but everything has really piled up the last few days. People needing my approval, meetings in the cities over, clients trying to get more information on what they need to do, because apparently reading our contract is too much to ask for, and trying to find a little time for myself is impossible. I know my time at work has put a small strain on Simon and I, but I know we will be fine. It doesn't seem to be affecting Simon any, so I know that I can continue doing my work without bothering him too much. Just as I think I'm done getting all my paperwork together, my cell rings. 'Great, just great.' My mind complains. I pick it up and see one of my clients' faces pop up. 'Seriously?! Just five minutes. That's all I want.' My mind pleads. I sigh and answer the call. "Hello, Pitch speaking." I say in my perfected monotone voice. "Yes, this is Franklin Dup. Is there any way that we can schedule an appointment tomorrow to discuss my case? Maybe around 13:30?" I hear a gruff voice ask. 'Don't yell. Don't yell.' My mind commands. I take a deep breath through my nose and say, "Sorry, Mr. Dup, but I have meetings and appointments for the whole week. If you want to schedule an appointment for next week you can call my assistant. Now, I must be going. Have a good evening, Mr. Dup." I explain. Sometimes these ignorant prats make me want to run a tight noose around my neck. "Oh, well, okay. Yes, goodnight." He says and I hear the line go dead. I suddenly get a strong smell of garlic, that makes me gag, and step out of my office to see what is going on. As soon as I step out into the hallway, my throat closes. I cough and choke, trying to get a normal breath. I stumble my way to the kitchen, thinking that maybe Simon accidentally got the wrong spice when shopping. I get to the doorway of the kitchen and feel my skin start to burn. 'What the bloody hell is going on tonight?' My mind wonders. I look in and see my boyfriend, back facing me, cooking dinner. Only that the smell of garlic is too strong, strong enough to let me know that it wasn't an accident it was bought, and covered in silver jewelry. I try to talk, but my throat is too swollen to let me. I try to step in, but my skin burns from the metal. It feels like I'm dying. Again. Simon doesn't notice me, continuing to try to kill me apparently.
Finally, he turns around, only to glare when he notices I'm here. 'What is wrong with him?!' My mind yells. I try to make a questioning face, my hand holding my throat in pain, but all Simon does is make his plate and sit down at the table. 'Is he really trying to kill me? Did he realize what a monster I am? What happened? What did I do?' My mind cries as I watch him eat, completely avoiding me. Acting as if I'm not even here. I walk towards him, my skin boiling and throat pulsing. He doesn't even look up. He stares at his plate as if it had killed his family, but continues eating the Italian pasta. I want to take his hand in mine, to ask him what's going on, but I know that even being in the same room with him, let alone touching him, could kill me. I just sit there in terrible pain and watch him eat.

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