So First Things First....1K Reads!!! Thank You Guys So Much! Well, Anyways, Hope You Guys Like This One! Bye!--Me
*Basilton's POV*
"Please, I'm begging, don't do it." I plead to my love. He shakes his head, a mischievous smirk playing on his ruby red lips. "Come on, Love. Just reason with me. You don't need to do this." I beg, trying to go closer to him, only to find that I can't move my feet. "Oh, Darling! It's fine. I know what needs to be done. You need to trust me." He says with maniacal laughter. He raises his hand, the silver blade glistening in the faint light of the room, and I began to realize that he isn't joking anymore. He will do it. "Love, Love, please. Please don't do this. I love you. Just put it down, it'll be okay. You don't have to do this." I cry out, tears streaming down my face. He smiles, as if he isn't holding a sharp blade against his chest, and pushes it in all at once, not even shaking his grin. I scream. And scream. And scream. I fall to my knees, still unable to walk to my soulmate, and sob as I watch his eyes dim, but never shut. Then he goes still, blue eyes now gray, and the smile still placed on his face. Blood seeps through his shirt, and spills out onto the white carpet. My fangs pop at the sight and smell, but I can't do anything to retract them. Or even grant them the satisfaction of the blood. All the sudden I notice that his finger is twitching, just slightly, and I call for him. I tell him to come back. I tell him to stay with me. That I can't lose him too. But I realize it's too late. He is gone. Forever. And I didn't stop him. I open my mouth and release a blood curdling scream. The blood trails over the floor to me, my knees becoming soaked with it. I growl and whine and make noises that I never could have thought I would make. But it doesn't help. He is still dead. And I'm still the one that didn't save him in time.
*Simon's POV*
"Baz! Please, please wake up! Darling! Come on, wake up." I hear a strained voice screaming in my ear. I sit up with a jolt, knocking whoever was yelling off of me. Then I remember. I remember the blade. The body. The blood. I fall back down and bury my face into the pillow laid beneath me. I start sobbing again knowing that my love is gone. I hear, and feel, movement from the mysterious screamer, but I don't care. I can't handle talking to anyone now that he is gone. My body shakes, and the satin pillow case has become soaked with my tears, but I can't stop. I feel a hand shake my shoulder from behind me and say calmly, "Baz, it's ok-"
"No! Go away! I don't want to be with anyone. Just go away!" I croaked out. 'He is gone. I will never see him again. I should've stopped him. But I didn't...' My mind sighs sadly. I hear a gasp, and feel a warm body wrap around my cold one. I try to squirm out of its grasp, but whoever it is holds tight. "Basil, I'm right here." I hear a sad voice say. I keep crying, knowing that that was he would tell me when I wasn't acting right. Ironic that I would hear those words from someone else as everything truly isn't right. I turn around, my eyes still closed to hide the redness from crying, and cling to the mysterious person that is trying to comfort me. "Shh, it is okay. It's okay." The soft voice coos again. I sob into the warm embrace. Images flash through my mind of my love. My life. Our first date, our first kiss, our first fight, and our first time. All of it. Then pictures pop up showing his last moments. His last breath. Whines, sobs, and screams escape my mouth as I see all the memories pass. Whoever it is holds me tight, but it only makes me break more. He used to hold me tight. He was always the one to comfort me. No one else. I suddenly realize I'm letting someone else do his job and I start to panic. I push away the mystery person and try to crawl away as fast as possible. However, Mr. Mystery takes my wrist and pulls me back. I scream at him to let go, but his grip only tightens. I kick and punch, only for my efforts to be useless as he pulls me into him. I try to push him away, but he grabs my chin and kisses me forcefully. I go into shock. When he realizes I'm not kissing back, he pulls back. And I finally find out who this Mystery Man is.

SnowBaz Oneshots
FanfictionA collection of Simon Snow and Baz Pitch oneshots. Different POVs in each part. I'm truly sorry if I do not give these characters their justice. I rated this Mature because there will be kissing *wink wink* and because i am super paranoid. Please te...