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— y/n's pov —

mitsuba and hanako-kun were play-arguing in the bathroom again. haha, i remember the day i met hanako-kun, my friend told me "her" rumor. i also remember how i met mitsuba! we ran into each other in the middle school garden. he was just walking alone. i thought he was a student until he told me he was school mystery number 3.

but now he isn't alone! he has me and hanako-kun. but sometimes he disappears randomly. and whenever i ask hanako-kun, he just says, "he took him back." and when i try to ask who, he just ignores me. it's very frustrating. "hanako-kun! mitsuba-"

"mitsuba! you ran off again. how many times do i have to come get you?" a voice called out. seconds later, black smoke came and there stood someone who looked like hanako-kun. he was wearing a white western shirt with a black kimono over top, a grey hakama, black shoes, red ankle-height socks, and a hat, similar to hanako-kun's.

"hanako-kun.. who is he and why does he look like you?" i look over to him. his eyes shot open. they were so wide- but he had a scared expression. why would hanako-kun be scared of him?

"ah!" the mysterious boy looked at me. i fell back onto my bottom due to this weird encounter. we made eye contact. he has the same amber eyes hanako-kun has. "you must be his new assistant! though-" "new?" i ask.

the boy finally stood on his feet. and walked up to hanako-kun. "what happened to the other one?" he puts his index finger on his lip. "oh, yeah! that was 40 years ago! what was her name, though?" he turns around and walks closer to mitsuba. "you know don't you, mitsuba? you were friends with her and that boy."

mitsuba's eyes also opened brightly. "minamoto-kun.." he manages to say a word. "yeah! now who was the girl? she had big ankles like a daikon!" "daikon-senpai..." mitsuba says.

i finally got on my feet, "hey! who're you talking about?" i shout. he looks at me and i jump back. "you poor girl. you only know what he tells you." he looks back at hanako-kun, "amane. i liked your other one better." he says as he disappears into black smoke, taking mitsuba with him.

"who was your old assistant?" i instantly ask. "i think it's time you should get home." he says. "it's only been a hour after school." i fight back. "i need to talk to tsuchigomori-sensei about something." "i can come with you!" "no, (y/n), i think you should go home." "hanako-kun, please let me!" he looks at me with a soft sad expression. "please." i begged.

"fine. c'mon." he walks up to me and grabs my hand, we walked, well he floated, out the bathroom and into tsuchigomori's office. "tsu-chi-go-mo-ri sen-sei~" hanako-kun says. "what is it now, number seven?" "do you have....her book." "who's her?" he asks, cocking his head to the side. he flushes up and starts waving him hands as if he was trying signal him without saying anything.

i decided to walk away from them. i should've went home. i don't know what i was thinking. but then again, maybe i could find more information about hanako's old assistant. what was her name? what did she look like? why did she become his assistant? is she still alive? when did she leave? did she love him? how many adventures did they have? i have to find out!

i started walking in the old school's halls. it was empty, but i did see some mokke. i gave them candy and continued walking. "maybe if i see that guy from earlier, he might tell me more! but how do i summon him?" "um, mr. weird guy? " i shout. "or person who came to the bathroom earlier." i shout more but it was no use. there was nobody here.

maybe i'll just go home. i'll leave a note for hanako-kun saying that i left. as i walked to the bathroom, i grew sleepier. my eyes grew heavy and so did my body. my eyes slowly closed, the last thing i saw was black smoke and the last thing i heard was my body falling and a boy's giggle.

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