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— third person —

"what do you mean, aoi-chan!?" "number 7 helped of course. i died while nene-chan stayed alive and lived on. akane-kun left me, too. only because he was no longer school mystery number 1. but he promised. he promised.. he promised..." the air grew stronger, aoi turned her head down as she crossed her arms. the vines around the duo grew bigger and with more thorns.

"aoi-chan!" (y/n) shouted. she went up to the girl and hugged her tight. the wind slowly slowed down, the vines went down, and aoi calmed herself. "what was the promise?" "he promised to be with me no matter what." aoi replied, lifting her head out of (y/n)'s shoulder. (y/n) knew how cold aoi was against her body but her friend needed comforting so she ignored it.

they smiled at one another and hugged again. after around 5 seconds they had let go. "oh, right, your lifespan. i'm sorry, (y/n)-chan. fate sucks, doesn't it?" "i'm not afraid of dying. i'll accept the fact that i'll be passing away soon. i don't mind. i just.. wish to meet nene before i perish."

"my dear, (y/n), your wish will be granted some day, some way and you will be able to shake her hand and stare into her beautiful eyes." "really, aoi-chan?!" (y/n) smiled bright, she was filled with confidence and happiness. aoi tapped her nose. "mhm! but.." she paused and looked behind her, "until next visit." she looked back at (y/n) and the school wonder disappeared into smoke.

"aoi-chan.. thank you for telling me that i will die soon." (y/n) walked away from the garden and went to the girl's bathroom. "hanako-kun.. i wonder why you kept that from me." (y/n) lifted herself so she would be able to sit on the table near the window. "next class starts soon.. i wonder where hanako-kun is. perhaps with tsuchigomori-sensei?" 'should i clean the bathroom.. i'm kinda bored. aoi had to go so i kinda have no one to talk to. mitsuba is gone too..' the (h/c) haired female thought to herself as she frowned at the fact that she was alone in the bathroom.

"i'm not really gonna die.. am i? what exactly did aoi-chan and hanako-kun do on that day they helped yashiro?"

"you're now my new human assistant, (y/n)! i needed one, too! this is perfect!" a fainted voice of hanako's spoke.

"i'll call you hanako-kun, so it sounds like we have become closer friends!" (y/n)'s eyes closed as she smiled with glee. hanako hesitated to smile but (y/n) didn't see. "yashiro..." hanako cooed. "hm? what did you say, hanako-kun?" (y/n) questioned as her gleeful smile went away. "nothing." hanako turned his head.

"since you protect me, hanako-kun, i'll protect you too! till death do us part." "eh?" he questioned. "i'm already dead." the ghost boy floated around the girl and played with her hair. "right...well, until i die! because we don't know if i'll become a supernatural. i still have a long way to go."

"all those memories played in my head. it's just like as if they happened yesterday." (y/n) told herself. a few seconds after... the bell rang. "i guess break is over." (y/n) slowly got off the place she was sitting on and made her way to her classroom where her best friend was waiting for her. "ne, ne, (y/n)-chan, you're finally on time." "wait really??" the girl looked at the clock and noticed that she is on time. "well i guess i heard the bell." (y/n) bonked her friend's head. "ow, (y/n)-chan. that hurt!"

(y/n), the kind girl, felt bad for hurting her friend. she didn't mean to do it that hard. but then again...she teased her. "i'm sorry!" (y/n) shouted. "haha, i'm just kidding." she spoke.

"ryuko-chan!!" (y/n) just walked away to her seat and rested her head on the desk. five minutes later, the teacher came in and put down a stack of notebooks. "the students who offered to teach lessons about the school 40 years ago are here today."

(y/n) raised her hand, "i thought they were coming next week." the teacher replied, "yeah but there was some rearranging." he rubbed his neck. "here they are now." three people came into the room, once that had happened, the class silenced. nobody spoke a word. nobody made a noise.

"i am nene yashiro." the female spoke. her ankles were like daikons and her hair had cyan color at the ends. the rest was a cream color. "i am kou minamoto. from the minamoto clan." a man with a staff that had a white paper and red words on it. (y/n) wasn't able to see it clearly since the staff was behind him.

"i am.. akane aoi." a orange-haired man looked around before saying that. it was like he was making sure nobody was listening. if that's the case then why? (y/n)'s eyes opened wide and she stood up with her hands on the desk for support. "nene-sama!" it's actually you! i can't believe it! i've been wanting to find so much information about you! and now i can! you're here!"

the teacher looked at (y/n) and told her to sit down immediately. "s-sorry teacher!" the girl sat down. yashiro looked at the girl confused on how she knew her. but the only valid reason would be.. "hanako-kun's assistant." yashiro cooed. "kou-kun. we need to talk to her later or whenever we get the chance." "okay, senpai!" kou replied.

"it's been so long since we've been here and the last time we saw anyone was..."

"nene-chan, i want you to live on. i love you so much. you are my best friend. i'll do anything for you. even if it means we switch...lifespans."

"it's best not to think of the past, akane-kun. we'll see her. don't worry." "i hope she forgives me." "i can't believe he did it without my permission.." yashiro turned her head down and crossed her arms. "senpai, it's okay! we'll talk to him too!"

"thanks, kou-kun, but for now let's do what we came here to do."

my assistant (original)Where stories live. Discover now