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third person

"mitsuba, wait!" kou shouted. he couldn't run as fast since he was older but he managed. as he chased the school wonder, something passed his way. it looked like a little tiny girl, she had brown pigtails and some sort of crown on top. then it hit him. "you're one of the school mysteries!" he shouted and the little wonder looked back.

"yippee! you got it correct! i remember you, too. you sure grew a lot." as she spoke, she was bouncing off the walls and ground. she seemed hyper. "you looked better as a teenager." she remarked. kou felt embarrassed and looked himself up and down, he then rubbed his head.

"don't worry! i can make you young again." the girl them jumped towards kou and there showed a huge clock. the clock was gold, a pretty gold color. his eyes shot open with shock as he felt his body get shorter. a bright light roamed the hallway. when the light finally disappeared, so did the school wonder. now there stood kou alone. though, he was young again! his appearance was like when he was in middle school.

he hands roamed his body in shock. he then put his hands towards his face and gasped. "what the hell? wait- where's mitsuba?" kou looked all over the hallway but there was no sight of mitsuba. but then he spotted a pink haired figure. he squinted his eyes and realized it was mitsuba peeking over the hallway wall. "you!" kou shouted and started running towards the boy. mitsuba jumped in shock and started running away.

"mitsuba, wait!" "leave me alone, minamoto-kun! you are a liar. a dumb liar with a ugly earring, you left me, minamoto-kun, and you didn't come back. i missed you, i missed someone who has a ugly earring!" "can we talk!?" kou shouted back. "there is nothing to discuss about." kou didn't reply, he was catching up to mitsuba, but seconds after mitsuba turned backwards with a sad expression. kou didn't have time to stop, so he fell onto the girly boy.

"get off of me, pervert!" kou slowly got off of mitsuba with a embarrassed look. they sat down on the cold floor without saying anything, it was silent. mitsuba sighed which broke the silence. kou opened his mouth but hesitated to speak. "minamoto-kun-" "mitsuba, what if i- what if i die and be with you forever. then we can be together even after death." those words made mitsuba's eyes open wide. "you told me that already. you aren't going to die. besides you have a family and a future." mitsuba looked down, "i don't have none of that." his tone of voice sounded sad and quiet.

kou held out his hand but mitsuba didn't grab onto it. "please, give me your hand." "what for, pervert?" "i'm not a pervert." kou crossed his arms and turned away. mitsuba then gave up and held out his hand. kou slowly turned his head back and saw the ghost's hand. he smiled and grabbed onto it. little did mitsuba know, he was about to be pulled into a hug, and he was. "minamoto-kun, what are you doing?!"

"i missed you, too, mitsuba. not a day goes by without you on my mind." "then why didn't you come back." mitsuba finally let go of trying to get out of his arms. he felt safe...and...comfortable. kou leaned against the wall, still holding mitsuba. "i'm sorry," "that's all you gotta say?" "mitsuba-" "it's okay, i forgive you anyways."

"will you be my friend again, minamoto-kun?" "of course! i thought we were friends already, though," "well, i thought since you left then we weren't friends anymore

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"will you be my friend again, minamoto-kun?" "of course! i thought we were friends already, though," "well, i thought since you left then we weren't friends anymore." kou squeezed mitsuba gently closer to him. "don't worry, mitsuba, we will always be friends." kou looked up as mitsuba put his head deeper into his shoulders. "promise?" "i promise."

with y/n and the others

"where would they be, yashiro-san?" akane asked. "i dunno, they are probably still-" "maybe they are having a wholesome moment." (y/n) smiled as she put her head down and put her hands together. "what do you mean?" asked akane. "like talking?" yashiro suggested. "yeah," "i wonder what they are talking about." yashiro said. "yep-" before (y/n) could finish, she was pulled away in black smoke. "eh?! where did (y/n)-chan go?" "she was just here-"

- with y/n...again -

"hey, where am i?" she spoke. "you must be (y/n), aren't you?" a sweet calm voice spoke out to the girl on the ground. like last time, (y/n)'s body felt heavy. her body was being forced onto the ground, it was like she was paralyzed. "i can't...move...what's going...on?" "tsukasa, give her control her over body." the mysterious girl demanded. "but already??" the boy, who sounded like tsukasa, groaned. "alright, for you, sakura!"

once the sound of snapping fingers were heard, (y/n) finally got up. though, her vision was blurry and her head was aching with horrible pain. "tsukasa?" (y/n) rubbed her head, then rubbed her eyes. "is that you? where is hyuuga-senpai." "which one." a boy went up to (y/n) and gave her a cat-like smile.

"natsuhiko, leave her alone." "yes, my lady." natsuhiko got away from (y/n) and went up to the green-haired woman. "i'm sorry about my dad, (l/n)-san." "that's your dad!?" (y/n) shouted. "yeah, and she's my mom." himawari pointed to sakura, who was looking at the books. sakura looked back and bowed her head. "i'm sakura hyuuga. it's a pleasure to meet you, (l/n) (y/n)."

"wow! you are so beautiful than i imagined!" "oh, well, thank you." "back to the point, i brought you here because i need your body again! mitsuba keeps leaving and i need his power to help amane!" "help...hanako-kun...with what?" asked (y/n). "i don't know if i should tell you~" "how do you know what hanako-kun is planning anyways." tsukasa smirked and showed a mokke in his right hand and a knife in his left.

"i have eyes everywhere. well, just this one." his held the mokke by its ears and picked it up. the mokke looked traumatized, "mokke was threatened." the mokke spoke. "the mokke only told me some things but i'm sure they are important." he put the mokke towards his mouth as if he was going to eat it. "i'm sure am hungry. maybe a supernatural would taste delicious."

"leave me alone, you will regret it." the mokke threatened but tsukasa didn't care. in fact, he was smiling so widely. "anyways, (n/n)-chan, give me your body." "no. no! not again! never again!" "but i need it, (n/n)-chan!" "why are you calling me (n/n)??" "to make it seem we are friends, right?" "we aren't friends, we will never be friends!" tsukasa's smile faded. "that's too bad." he looked down. "i thought we would be friends, (y/n)-chan. it's okay, i still have my assistant. but amane needs my help, even though he didn't ask for it. hmm, i wonder, if life will still be the same afterwards."

"what do you mean?" "thank you, (y/n)-chan." "i'm sorry, (l/n)-san, i can't disobey him." himawari spoke up. "senpai-" (y/n) fainted and tsukasa disappeared. he was now in her body. "haha! i'm in her body now, himawari!" "yeah, you are, tsukasa-kun." tsukasa used the girl's hands to roam her body. "oh, well, now to go get mitsuba!"  "good luck, tsukasa-kun," said sakura. and with that, tsukasa disappeared in black smoke. "i have a bad feeling about what is about to happen, my lady." "me too, natsuhiko, me too," "what do you mean, mom?"

"we just got to wait until it happens."

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