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— third person / break —

"where is that girl from earlier. once the teacher told her to be quiet she didn't speak anymore." yashiro walked in the halls with her best friend, kou, and her other friend, akane. if anyone who knew kou, saw his face can tell he's hiding his feelings. he looked like he missed someone. someone who he knew.. like...mitsuba sousuke.

as for akane, he was mad at hanako for a reason that isn't revealed yet. however he felt guilty for leaving the school but he was no longer a school mystery. akane didn't wanna run into aoi because he thinks she hates him. yashiro, the fish, also had feelings she hid. she was sad to leave all her friends there, especially on that day. that day when they, aoi and yashiro, switched lifespans.

they went outside to look. as they went outside, they saw mokke. yashiro gasped at the sight. "they are still here!" she happily said. she picked one up and hugged it tight.

"uh- senpai, i think you're suffocating it." kou rubbed his neck. "she is suffocating it." akane added on. "a-ah!" yashiro dropped it on accident. "awee...i'm sorry!" she patted it's head.

the mokke's patted her hand and bounced away. "okay, now we need to focus!" she confidently crossed her arms. kou tapped her and pointed to the rooftop. "she's right there, senpai!" he announced. they clapped hands, "good job, kou-kun!" she responded. "maybe she knows about aoi-chan?"

"but then again, she didn't become a supernatural, right?" he questioned. "she's.. just.. gone. there's no way we can talk to her." he looked down at the ground, frowning at the thought. yashiro went up to him and patted his back to comfort him.

"come on, akane-kun, don't lose hope!" she shouted. "thank you, yashiro-san." he replied, looking up at her. "come on, guys, lets go to her before she leaves!" kou suggested. they nodded and went back inside. they remember the way to the rooftop since they would be there all the time. when they got there they saw (y/n) and.. mitsuba.

"mitsuba!" kou shouted. mitsuba's attention was caught. he looked at kou confused. it seems like he didn't recognize him. "ah! it's them!" (y/n) smiled brightly.

"is who, (y/n)-chan?" mitsuba asked. "i forgot to tell you." she rubbed her neck. "nene-sama is here! and others. i think their name's were kou." she pointed at the man with the staff. "and the other one was akane."

"wait!- akane-" (y/n) tried to speak but she was cut off by mitsuba. "lame-ass traffic earring!?" he froze. "it's me, mitsuba!" they ran up to each other and hugged. but kou was taller than the girly school wonder. "wait.." mitsuba back away from the boy. "you left me for 40 years."

"mitsuba-kun!" yashiro shouted. to be honest, nobody wanted to see them again. they, the supernaturals, won't forgive them that fast.

"daikon-senpai..." he mumbled. he walked back behind (y/n) and just watched over the bars. "ah-mitsuba...are you alright?" "i'm fine." he responded. (y/n) ran up to yashiro, passing the surprised kou. "you're hanako-kun's old assistant!" she shouted. before yashiro could reply, akane spoke for her. "how do you know that?" he said.

"i'm (y/n) (l/n)." she paused. as how aoi promised, she grabbed yashiro's hand and look into her beautiful eyes. "..hanako-kun's newest assistant." she finished. "(y/n)! it's a pleasure to meet you!" yashiro smiled. "nene-sama, can you tell me about the past?" "what do you wish to know?" she asked.

"how did you not die?"

the trio's eyes emptied. no emotion was showed. "so? how do i avoid my death, too?" she added on. "i say that i'm fine with dying but i'm actually afraid, nene-sama, please tell me your secret." (y/n)'s hands started to tremble. her eyes were also empty. she showed no emotion. "aoi-chan told me you both switched life plans. she isn't happy with akane-kun, though." she looked over at him. "you promised you'd stay with her." her eyes softened and a frown formed on her face.

"akane-kun, promise me you won't leave me. you'll stay with me forever, right? because you love me too, correct? i'm sorry i'm dying. but, that shouldn't matter."

"i promise, aoi-chan, i promise to stay with you, no matter what." akane replied, pulling the girl's arm into a deep and warm hug. "i love you." "i...love you too, akane-kun."

"aoi is still here." (y/n) let go of yashiro's hands and put her right index finger up. "you can talk to her if you want." "maybe later..." akane said. "but why not now, akane-kun?" yashiro questioned. "we need to focus on other things."

"but we are coming everyday this week. we have plenty of time-" "just not now, yashiro-san!" yashiro looked back at (y/n) and said, "do you turn into a fish too?" (y/n)'s face was heating up. she could feel the blush on her face spread all over. "yes.." she finally said. "hanako-kun threatens to turn me into a fish whenever i don't wanna clean."

"hanako-san, hanako-san.. can i please go home today!?" yashiro clapped her hands together and begged at hanako. "nope!" hanako replied, coming out the 3rd bathroom stall with his hands in a X position.

"i guess hanako-kun is still the same since we've been here." "nene-sama, how did you get bonded with hanako-kun? we used fish scales!"

"yeah, so did i." yashiro tilts her head to the side while giving her a warm smile. "i wonder, why are did you all come back?" (y/n) asks. "well, i was on a walk with kou-kun and we stumbled across a paper that old students could come to kamome gakuen. we contacted akane-kun quickly and all decided to go visit the school again."

"hey, where's mitsuba?" kou asks. (y/n) turned her head fast and saw nobody. "i think tsukasa-kun took him again. but don't worry-!" "tsukasa? he's still here!?" kou raises his voice and pulls out his staff from behind his back. "does he have a new assistant too?" he asked.

"yes! her name is himawari hyuuga!" (y/n) smiled. "why?" she looked at kou and tilted her head as she puts her index finger on her bottom lip. "she's very pretty! like an angel. nene-sama...when i imagined you in my head...you didn't have thick ankles.." yashiro got on her knees as her hands grip onto her hair, "even his new assistant thinks i'm a daikon."

"a-ah! no- i think you look beautiful , nene-sama!" (y/n) went to go help yashiro get back up. "thank you, (y/n)-chan!"

"hey, kid, can you tell me more about.. aoi.." "why don't we just go see her?" (y/n) raised one of her eyebrows at akane. it was best if they saw her in person. not to mention that (y/n) only visited aoi two times. she doesn't know much about the eighth wonder.

"i can't." he replied. "well...i only visited her twice. the second time was today, probably around two hours ago? i'm not sure. anyways-" she paused for dramatic affects. "aoi akane is school mystery number eight! dun dun dunnn."

again, everyone froze. "eight mysteries!?" kou spoke, breaking the silence that went through the wind. "is there only supposed to be seven?" (y/n) asked. "are you guys going to keep freezing everytime i tell you something. with all due respect, you should have visited the school at least instead of waiting 40 years."

"you don't need to keep guilt tripping us." akane scoffed. "i am?" (y/n) replied. "-let's go see what else is different!" yashiro suggested. all nodded and left the rooftop. "but honestly, thank you, nene-sama, for coming." (y/n) smiled. "i wonder what adventures we will have."

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