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third person

"nene-chan, i-i can't believe it!" "aoi-chan!?" yelled akane and yashiro. they both eyed the school wonder up and down. aoi smiled as she twirled in confidence. "nene-chan, you grew so much! you too, akane-kun and minamoto-kun! forty years, eh?" at the end, her voice sounded sadder. she sighed and walked up to the trio.

she put her hands together and lifted her left foot and rested it on her toes. "i got ready just for this, nene-chan, akane-kun, minamoto-kun." she then looked at them with her beautiful indigo eyes.

"there is so much we need to talk about! a looot of things," she rolled her eyes as she said the word "lot."  "when will be the perfect time?" she added on. "hey, aoi-chan, are you all right?" (y/n) ran up to aoi and put her hand on her shoulder. aoi put her hand over (y/n)'s and looked her in the eyes. "it's friday, isn't it?" "y-yeah?" (y/n) replied slowing removing her hand. "it's perfect then! let's head to rooftop, yes?" the trio looked at her with a confused look. "hey, aoi-senpai, why go there?" "to talk, of course!"

"aoi-chan, do you forgive me?" "let's go, everyone!" aoi ignored akane's question and led the way to the rooftop. though, on the way there it was quiet. except the trio's whispers. aoi and (y/n) were ahead, they two were also whispering to each other. once in a while aoi and (y/n) would peek behind them and saw them whispering into each other's ear. they sighed and continued leading the way.

soon, they got there and aoi pushed both doors open for dramatic affects. "my first time out my boundary! no more water on the ground." she chuckled. "this is it. the day i found out everything. i'm so glad i went to get aoi. now we'll talk about the past and i'll finally know it all! no more secrets, no more secrets. no more..." "the view has always been pretty, right, aoi-chan? just like you!" said akane as he walked next to her. "one hundred points..." she gently chuckled. akane smiled widely but that smile faded away when she said "that's what you want to hear, correct?" she paused to look at him. "thank you, akane, but i'm not the girl you knew in high school."

"what do you mean?" he asked. "look at me, akane!? i'm a ghost, i'm not alive! all those secrets you kept from me... i know the answers now! now, akane-kun- or should i say... school mystery number one!?" her tone sounded angry towards the end. she looked back and there stood yashiro and kou. they were both observing over the cold bars. as for (y/n)... she was sitting. most likely thinking. but thinking about what and why?

"i've decided." said (y/n). everyone faced their attention towards the female and walked closer. they sat in a circle like kids in kindergarten. "decided what, (y/n)-chan?" said kou. "i'm going to switch lifespans with aoi so she can live again!" she smiled as she stretched her arms out. shock expressions grew on all of their faces. "no, you can't." said aoi. "you can't bring a dead person back to life." said kou. "i learned that the hard way..." he added on as a memory of mitsuba flashed in his head. "but aoi saved yashiro from dying-" "they were both alive- they switched lifespans." said akane.

"yes, i understand but-" "you can't." said a smiling aoi. "but thank you, (y/n)-chan. i'm dead. i no longer have a future." "i can change that! I will give you a future!-" "the world is just not ready, (y/n)-chan." said yashiro. "the world is not ready for people of the dead to come back." kou sighed and spoke up, "once you die...that's it. even if you come back as a supernatural... that's not a continuation of life. the supernaturals have no future. they only have the role they play. hanako told me that... a looong... time ago."

"yeah, i did." hanako's voice roamed the rooftop. everyone grew silent and saw the ghost boy by the doors. he was leaning on them as his orbs surrounded him. "you can not change the future, (y/n), not anymore. i'm not going to-..." "hanako-kun!" shouted (y/n) as she carefully got up, trying not to ruin her kimono. "hanako-kun, i want you to grant my wish! my wish...is to die and take aoi's spot so she can live on."

"you can't!" he aggressively gripped onto her shoulders and looked down. "(y/n)... when you die. you are not coming back as a ghost, well, unless..." "i'm not?" "well, i'm not sure-besides, why would you want to become one?" he looked up at her. "i just want to help..." "that's what i that day. i just wanted to help yashiro... since i loved her so much. i wanted her to live life till its fullest. and she did, right?" he looked over at yashiro.

"live on without giving up." hanako added. "hanako-kun..." said yashiro. "honorable number seven!" said aoi. "hanako." said kou and akane. "it's been a while." they all spoke. "to live on without giving up." (y/n) scoffed as she walked over to the bars. she ran her hand across them and shivered. "hanako-kun, my fate is mine to write, isn't it? i choose to die or to live. my choice to be here or not. it's my choice, right..."

broadcasting room

"wait, why are you here?" himawari asked as she tilted her head. "how did you get in?" "pass me your headphones." "why?" "i heard a rumor." "SAKURA!" tsukasa ran and jumped on the green haired woman. she grunted but rolled her eyes and patted his head. "MY LADY!! get off of her, you runt!" natsuhiko tried getting tsukasa off his lover but failed to succeed.

"wow, you really were his assistant." "they were... the good days." sakura spoke. "well, dear, hand me your headphones and bring me my chair. like i said, i head a rumor today about a teenage girl who passed away by falling off the rooftop." "my lady is best at what she does."

"this rumor... the girl... she's here, isn't she? (l/n) (y/n). that poor girl."

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