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third person —

"what do you mean, hanako-kun, ao-chan? what sacrifice!?" "i suppose we can't keep it a secret anymore, can't we?" "i guess i'll leave for now, hahah!" tsukasa giggled as he disappeared into smoke. "l/n y/n will take my spot as..." hanako summoned his hakujoudai, his cloak now on, it blew in the cold wind. he put his hand on his chest with a closed eye smile. his other hand down, his hat almost falling off his head. "school mystery number seven." he finished. "but she hasn't done anything wrong!? she hasn't done any sins!" kou shouted with a voice crack as salty tears rolled down his cheek.

"yeah, she has, kou-kun." aoi walked up. "she has killed someone." she finished. "no, she hasn't!?" "she killed the most important person...haha....herself. she made herself fall off the rooftop, right?" aoi put her hands a her waist as her smile turned into a frown. her eyebrows furrowed. "it was an accident-!?" "it was too early." she cooed. "we are going to disappear soon. y/n-chan will come back as the new leader of the seven mysteries along with a new name. her memory will be wiped out as well." "she wouldn't want this." akane shouted in anger. he walked forward to hanako and gripped onto his uniform.

"you're so stupid, but it's only natural that you don't understand a human's emotions. you are just a ghost and now you're going without telling us until now!? you're such a fool." "you're the last one to judge. the school mysteries never let you go. you left by choice since number eight died. that's the only reason why you became us. was to save her." hanako looked over at aoi. "and yeah, we are leaving. we will be just a memory. heh." he forced a laugh. his hat covering his face. he pushed back akane.

— y/n's pov —

"huh? ah! ow...." i groaned. my head really hurts and so does my body. i looked around and realized i was in aoi-chan's boundary. but why? what happened? i hardly remember anything. the only thing i do remember is falling off the rooftop. i'm surprised i survived. i couldn't for a few seconds. i also couldn't move, i did hear everyone's voice. they sounded sad. i looked around my arms and legs.

i laid my back down onto the floor, the clothes sucked up some of the water, it made me shiver in coldness. i just looked up at the endless white sky. aoi-chan's boundary is quite odd if i dare say, it's kinda plain compared to the other school wonder's. i smiled, a smile at this time? i didn't know what else to do. i just laid there thinking how i never got to tell hanako-kun how i feel about him. he calls me a friend but i see him more than one.

i really am in love with that ghost pervert. but, haha, i know who he has his eyes on. his wonderful old assistant, yashiro nene. i wish i was her. oh, how i wish. it's only a dream. i mean, i guess we are similar. shijima-san said i might be her reincarnation. i tilt my head to the side. "i wonder what mitsuba is doing right now." then it hit me. "oh-!! the bet!! i was supposed to prove to tsukasa that hanako-kun likes me, too. but i already know the answer to it.

"sometimes i wonder if i never met hanako-kun then will things be different? what if i never fell in love with that ghost boy. would i be able to let go easier? maybe, but it is too late. my fate is his to write now. i wish things could stay how they were longer, i would be happier." i got up, hands on my hips, i'm going out. i need to see him. i need to tell him!

once my feet touched the water, my clothes changed. it was odd. i was wearing my school uniform again! "agh, come on." i preferred to wear the kimono aoi-chan made me. oh, well, i ran until i saw a door, the same door shijima-san drew. but this time, the white rose was dead. "why is it dead this time?" i asked myself, but i twisted the golden door knob to reveal the school garden. "i'm back!" i forced a chuckle. my eyes widened with shock. "eh?"

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