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aoi's goodbye the mokke.

— k̶a̶z̶u̶n̶o̶ - s̶a̶m̶a̶ aoi akane's point of view —

as i disappeared, i knew i wouldn't have time to say goodbye to y/n or anyone. i hope they know...i love them with all my heart. i made my way to my boundary, my long hair already disappearing. "mokke, oh, mokke!" i shouted, "please, come out, i have candy!!" i shouted with a fake excited voice. how could i break such news to children. i was their only guardian. i promised them safety until the end. this is the end, right? for me at least. i hope they understand. these poor kids.

i could hear children's laughter coming in front of me. my boundary changing its appearance to a flower garden with a night sky. i could feel the breeze, i look up at an endless night, my hair now short. i looked down and there they were, ten kids stood in front of me. "we need to talk, okay?" i sat down. "onee-san, i don't like the dark!" said one of kids. "onee-san, why is your hair fading away?" said another. "onee-san, what's going on?" she calmed the kids down. "this is the end for me. i am going to go away." "you're coming back, right?" asked a little girl with wavy brown hair.

"i'm afraid not this time." she ran her cold fingers though the little girl's hair. "where are you going? can i go!" said a short boy. aoi should her head no, "you don't wanna go where i'm going." aoi smiled and got up, her body almost gone. "promise me you won't go bother the other supernaturals, okay?" she smiled with her eyes closed. the kids new what she meant immediately when aoi said she was going away. "we promise!" they all said with tears in their eyes. "does that mean your boundary is going away, too?"

aoi nodded yes with a frown. "we understand." said a much older girl, around the age of ten, maybe eleven. they all hugged aoi as she slowly disappeared more and more. "i love you all, always and forever. be good kids for me, goodbye, my dear mokke." she said as she disappeared. the mokke sat crying in the field of flowers. the boundary slowly began to crumble but they did not care.

"a new rumor, hehe." said tsukasa, for he have been watching this whole time. "the crying children. it's all coming to plan. goodbye, aoi akane, sousuke mitsuba and amane yu-" "come on, dumbass, stop trying to make things so serious. "aww, i was almost done, that sounded so good for this ending!!" tsukasa hung from the hands of natsuhiko. "yeah, yeah." he rolled his eyes.


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